500 Baby Names That Start With ‘Z’, Names with Meaning

Choosing a name for your baby is a momentous and joyous task, symbolizing the beginning of their unique identity. If you’re captivated by names starting with the letter ‘Z,’ you’re embarking on a journey of exploration. ‘Z’ names offer a diverse array of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘Z’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘Z’

Name Meaning
Zara Princess
Zoe Life
Zoey Life
Zuri Beautiful
Zahra Flowering, shining
Zelda Gray fighting maid
Zaina Beautiful
Zenia Guest, stranger
Zola Earth
Zoya Alive, life
Zephyra West wind
Zia Light
Zinnia Flower
Zola Earth
Zara Princess
Zaina Beautiful
Zelie Sunlight
Ziva Radiance
Zanna Lily
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zenobia Life of Zeus
Zabrina Princess
Zada Fortunate
Zahara Flower
Zandra Defender of the people
Zaina Beautiful
Zalika Well-born
Zaneta God’s gracious gift
Zayna Beautiful
Zinovia Life of Zeus
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zosia Wisdom
Zuleika Brilliant, fair
Zemira Song
Zofia Wisdom
Zuri Beautiful
Ziya Light
Zinara Intelligent, wise
Zaynah Beautiful
Zafira Victorious
Zalina Princess
Zelena Sunlight
Zaylee Princess
Zelma Helmet of God
Zada Huntress
Zayla One who is born into wealth
Zulima Full of beauty
Zephyrine West wind
Zoria Starry sky
Zylia Light of God
Zulema Peaceful
Zara Princess
Zuriel God is my rock
Zephyrine West wind
Zanthe Golden brown
Zelina Heaven’s light
Zaira Princess
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zenda Of the elder
Zemira Song
Zola Earth
Zinnia Flower
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zyla Graceful
Zahara Flower
Zayna Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zaina Beautiful
Zuri Beautiful
Zinnia Flower
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zayla One who is born into wealth
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zaira Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zofia Wisdom
Zephyrine West wind
Zuri Beautiful
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zaida Prosperous
Zephyrine West wind
Zinnia Flower
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zuri Beautiful

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘Z’

Name Meaning
Zachary Remembered by God
Zane Gift of God
Zeke God strengthens
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zavier Bright, new house
Zahir Shining, radiant
Zephyrine West wind
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zion Highest point, heaven
Zayn Graceful
Zeus King of the gods
Zed God’s gift
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zacharias God has remembered
Zaid Abundance, growth
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zuriel God is my rock
Zigmund Victorious protector
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zayn Graceful
Zavier Bright, new house
Zeke God strengthens
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zion Highest point, heaven
Zephyrine West wind
Zachary Remembered by God
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaid Abundance, growth
Zane Gift of God
Zeus King of the gods
Zephyrine West wind
Zayden Graced by God
Zed God’s gift
Zigmund Victorious protector
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyrine West wind
Zion Highest point, heaven
Zayn Graceful
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zuriel God is my rock
Zacharias God has remembered
Zeke God strengthens
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyrine West wind
Zayden Graced by God
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zion Highest point, heaven
Zayn Graceful
Zeus King of the gods
Zander Defender of the people
Zuriel God is my rock
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zachary Remembered by God
Zaid Abundance, growth
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zigmund Victorious protector
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zed God’s gift
Zephyrine West wind
Zion Highest point, heaven
Zeus King of the gods
Zayden Graced by God
Zander Defender of the people
Zuriel God is my rock
Zane Gift of God
Zeke God strengthens
Zephyrine West wind
Zoltan Sultan, ruler
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zachary Remembered by God

Also Read : 500 Baby Names That Start With ‘X’, Names with Meaning

Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘Z’

Name Meaning
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zayden Graced by God
Zane Gift of God
Zuri Beautiful
Zander Defender of the people
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zola Earth
Zayn Graceful
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zaylee Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaida Prosperous
Zain Grace
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zayn Graceful
Zara Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zane Gift of God
Zander Defender of the people
Zara Princess
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zuri Beautiful
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zayn Graceful
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zayden Graced by God
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zara Princess
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zayn Graceful
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zola Earth
Zuri Beautiful
Zane Gift of God
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaylee Princess
Zander Defender of the people
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zola Earth
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zane Gift of God
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zander Defender of the people
Zaylee Princess

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Unique ‘Z’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zuri Beautiful
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyrine West wind
Zaida Prosperous
Zinnia Flower
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zaylee Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zayn Graceful
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zola Earth
Zephyrine West wind
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zayn Graceful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zara Princess
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zuri Beautiful
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zayden Graced by God
Zara Princess
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zander Defender of the people
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zaylee Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zinnia Flower
Zayn Graceful
Zara Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zola Earth
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zinnia Flower
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zaynah Beautiful
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zander Defender of the people
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zaylee Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyrine West wind
Zuri Beautiful
Zinnia Flower
Zayn Graceful
Zephyrine West wind

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘Z’

Name Meaning
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zuri Beautiful
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zinnia Flower
Zola Earth
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zaid Abundance, growth
Zain Grace
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zane Gift of God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zara Princess
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephaniah God has hidden
Zephyrine West wind
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zola Earth
Zephyrine West wind
Zinnia Flower
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zephyrine West wind
Zayden Graced by God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zuri Beautiful
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyrine West wind
Zephaniah God has hidden
Zara Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zinnia Flower
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zephaniah God has hidden
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zane Gift of God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zayn Graceful
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zinnia Flower
Zola Earth
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zane Gift of God
Zephyrine West wind
Zara Princess
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zayden Graced by God
Zinnia Flower
Zephyrine West wind
Zephaniah God has hidden
Zane Gift of God
Zuri Beautiful
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zara Princess
Zephyrine West wind
Zaylee Princess
Zephyr Gentle breeze
Zinnia Flower
Zayn Graceful
Zane Gift of God
Zephyra Gentle breeze
Zephaniah God has hidden
Zephyrine West wind
Zola Earth
Zen Meditation, tranquility
Zephyr Gentle breeze


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor, and the list of ‘Z’ names presented here aims to inspire and guide you on this heartwarming journey. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply a pleasing sound, the world of ‘Z’ names offers a spectrum of choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘Z’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘Z’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘Z’ names include Zachary, Zane, and Zachariah, while for girls, Zoe, Zara, and Zoey are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘Z’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Zephyr means “west wind” or “gentle breeze,” Zara translates to “princess” or “flower,” and Zoltan signifies “king” or “ruler.”
  3. Are there ‘Z’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘Z’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Zainab has Arabic roots, meaning “beauty,” and Zdenek is of Czech origin, representing “to rule” or “ruler.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘Z’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘Z’ names like Jordan, Casey, or Riley can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘Z’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘Z’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.

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