500 Baby Names That Start With ‘V’, Names with Meaning

Choosing a name for your baby is a significant and joyous task, marking the beginning of their unique identity. If you’re captivated by names starting with the letter ‘V,’ you’re embarking on a journey of exploration. ‘V’ names offer a diverse array of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘V’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘V’

Name Meaning
Valentina Brave and strong
Victoria Victory
Vanessa Butterfly
Vivian Full of life
Vera Faith
Violet Purple flower
Valerie Strong, valiant
Vivienne Full of life
Veronica True image
Veda Knowledge
Viola Purple
Vanya Gracious gift of God
Vesper Evening star
Valencia Brave, strong
Vina Lovable
Vienna City of music
Vida Life
Valeria Strong, healthy
Vanessa Butterfly
Vierra Faithful
Vanya Gracious gift of God
Viona Full of life
Vidya Knowledge
Viva Full of life
Vianne Alive
Verity Truth
Valkyrie Chooser of the slain (Norse)
Velma Protective helmet
Vara Blessing
Vespera Evening
Valda Renowned ruler
Varsha Rain
Vanya Gracious gift of God
Vesperia Evening star
Valentina Brave and strong
Vina Lovable
Vivica Alive
Verona Truth
Vada Famous ruler
Vina Lovable
Velda Battle-maid
Verona Truth
Vesperia Evening star
Vida Life
Valeska Glorious ruler
Velma Protective helmet
Vianne Alive
Vidya Knowledge
Valora Brave, strong
Venetia City of canals (Italian)
Vida Life
Valencia Brave, strong
Verity Truth
Vivian Full of life
Vienna City of music
Vesper Evening star
Vania God’s gracious gift
Vara Blessing
Viridiana Green
Viviana Full of life
Vespera Evening
Vanessa Butterfly
Varsha Rain
Valeria Strong, healthy
Vienna City of music
Velma Protective helmet
Vesperia Evening star
Vida Life
Vivian Full of life
Valentina Brave and strong
Vera Faith
Vivienne Full of life
Vanya Gracious gift of God
Vesper Evening star
Vanessa Butterfly
Valencia Brave, strong
Vina Lovable
Vienna City of music
Vida Life
Valeria Strong, healthy
Vivian Full of life
Veronica True image

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘V’

Name Meaning
Vincent Conqueror
Victor Winner, conqueror
Vaughn Small
Vance Marshland
Virgil Flourishing
Vito Life
Valentin Strong, healthy
Vincenzo Conquering
Van Of the family
Vasco Crow
Vernon Alder tree
Valerian Strength, health
Verne Spring-like
Valor Strength, courage
Vance Marshland
Vidal Life-giving
Vitalis Life
Viggo Battle, war
Vassilis King
Viktor Winner, conqueror
Vesper Evening
Vaughan Small
Varun God of water (Hindu)
Viren Brave, powerful
Vanir Forest god (Norse mythology)
Vidar Warrior god (Norse mythology)
Vihan Morning, dawn
Vinay Modesty
Vihan Morning
Varun Lord of the waters (Hindu)
Vijay Victory
Vedant End of the Vedas (Hindu)
Vihan Morning
Virendra Lord of warriors (Hindu)
Vasu Precious
Viren Brave
Vian Full of life
Viraj Resplendent
Vaughn Small
Victor Winner
Vian Full of life
Vaughn Small
Virgil Flourishing
Vincent Conqueror
Vaughn Small
Vance Marshland
Vidal Life-giving
Viraj Resplendent
Varun God of water (Hindu)
Viren Brave, powerful
Viggo Battle, war
Vassilis King
Vincent Conqueror
Victor Winner
Vasco Crow
Valerian Strength, health
Verne Spring-like
Valor Strength, courage
Vito Life
Vincent Conqueror
Vance Marshland
Virgil Flourishing
Viren Brave, powerful
Vian Full of life
Varun God of water (Hindu)
Vihan Morning
Viktor Winner, conqueror
Vesper Evening
Vian Full of life
Viraj Resplendent
Vidal Life-giving
Vaughn Small
Vihan Morning
Valor Strength, courage
Viren Brave, powerful
Vanir Forest god (Norse mythology)
Virgil Flourishing
Varun God of water (Hindu)
Virendra Lord of warriors (Hindu)
Vincent Conqueror
Vaughn Small

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Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘V’

Name Meaning
Valor Strength, courage
Vivienne Full of life
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Viggo Battle, war
Vesper Evening
Valencia Brave, strong
Veridian Green gemstone
Vortex Whirlwind
Valiant Brave and determined
Vellichor The strange wistfulness of used books
Vespera Evening star
Varian Variable
Vex To cause distress or annoyance
Verve Enthusiasm
Vertex Highest point, summit
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Voltaire Bold, fearless
Vivid Bright, intense
Vapor Mist or steam
Voyager Traveler
Vulcan Roman god of fire and metalworking
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air
Vortex Whirlwind
Valorous Brave, courageous
Vortex Rapidly swirling mass
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Voyager Explorer
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Verve Enthusiasm
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vanguard Leader of a movement or trend
Vesper Evening star
Valerian Strong, healthy
Vernal Pertaining to spring
Vision Ability to see
Versatile Adaptable
Vagabond Wanderer, traveler
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vagary Whimsical notion or action
Velvet Soft fabric
Valkyrie Chooser of the slain (Norse)
Voyager Traveler
Vortex Whirlwind
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Vivid Bright, intense
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air
Valor Strength, courage
Vellichor The strange wistfulness of used books
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Vertex Highest point, summit
Voltaire Bold, fearless
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Valor Strength, courage
Vivienne Full of life
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Viggo Battle, war
Vesper Evening
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vulcan Roman god of fire and metalworking
Vivid Bright, intense
Voyager Traveler
Valencia Brave, strong
Veridian Green gemstone
Vortex Whirlwind
Valiant Brave and determined
Vellichor The strange wistfulness of used books
Vespera Evening star
Varian Variable
Vex To cause distress or annoyance
Verve Enthusiasm
Vertex Highest point, summit
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Voltaire Bold, fearless
Vivid Bright, intense
Vapor Mist or steam
Voyager Traveler
Vulcan Roman god of fire and metalworking
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air

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Unique ‘V’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Vespera Evening star
Valeo To be strong, healthy
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Varian Variant, versatile
Viridian A shade of green
Valo Brave
Vireo Green bird
Vidian Knowledgeable
Vidant Wise, knowledgeable
Virelai Ancient poetic form
Vindal A wind that brings change
Vindali Changing direction of the wind
Vimara Famous, renowned
Vyrian Full of energy
Vion Full of life
Vidian Knowledgeable
Vintor Adventurous spirit
Vaylen Strong and valiant
Valthorn Mighty thorn
Voltaire Bold, fearless
Veskar Water spirit
Vaelan Light breeze
Vaelor Courageous
Vesperia Evening star
Valencio Brave, strong
Vireon Visionary
Vaelor Courageous
Varion Versatile
Viatrix Voyager, traveler
Vitorian Victory
Verdant Green, lush
Valor Strength, courage
Vyron Noble ruler
Vyrell Strong and virtuous
Valiant Brave and determined
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Vashti Beautiful
Vespera Evening star
Viridian A shade of green
Veridian Green gemstone
Vesta Goddess of hearth and home
Vyranth Mystical and powerful
Vivex Lively, full of life
Veylan Moonlight
Vailan Moonlight
Vesper Evening star
Verdant Green, lush
Viridia Green
Vireo Green bird
Valeska Glorious ruler
Vespera Evening star
Valor Strength, courage
Varian Variant, versatile
Veylan Moonlight
Veskar Water spirit
Vion Full of life
Veylan Moonlight
Viridian A shade of green
Vireo Green bird
Vintor Adventurous spirit
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Vidian Knowledgeable
Veylan Moonlight
Vyranth Mystical and powerful
Veylan Moonlight
Vyrell Strong and virtuous
Varion Versatile
Vespera Evening star
Vaelor Courageous
Virelai Ancient poetic form
Vailan Moonlight
Valor Strength, courage
Vireon Visionary
Valiant Brave and determined
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Vashti Beautiful
Vivex Lively, full of life
Verdant Green, lush
Viatrix Voyager, traveler
Vitorian Victory
Viridia Green
Vyron Noble ruler
Vyranth Mystical and powerful

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘V’

Name Meaning
Vesper Evening star
Valiant Brave and determined
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Vivian Full of life
Valor Strength, courage
Veridian Green gemstone
Vortex Whirlwind
Vellichor The strange wistfulness of used books
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Voyager Traveler
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vagabond Wanderer
Vanguard Leader of a movement or trend
Velvet Soft fabric
Verve Enthusiasm
Vertex Highest point, summit
Vivid Bright, intense
Vapor Mist or steam
Vulcan Roman god of fire and metalworking
Vague Indistinct, unclear
Valet Attendant, servant
Valo Brave
Vail Valley
Vex To cause distress or annoyance
Vivex Lively, full of life
Vagary Whimsical notion or action
Vespera Evening star
Verse Poetry
Veldt Open, grassy plain
Verve Enthusiasm
Vivid Bright, intense
Vesper Evening star
Valiant Brave and determined
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Vortex Whirlwind
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Velvet Soft fabric
Vanguard Leader of a movement or trend
Vivian Full of life
Vertex Highest point, summit
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Vapor Mist or steam
Voyager Traveler
Vagabond Wanderer
Vex To cause distress or annoyance
Vail Valley
Vignette Brief, artistic scene or description
Vagary Whimsical notion or action
Voltaire Bold, fearless
Viridian A shade of green
Verve Enthusiasm
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air
Vandal Destroyer of property or art
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Vagrant Nomad, wanderer
Vigil Watchful, observant
Vesper Evening star
Vandal Destroyer of property or art
Venture Daring journey or undertaking
Vagrant Nomad, wanderer
Valor Strength, courage
Vesperian Relating to the evening
Viridian A shade of green
Vortex Swirling mass of water or air
Valiant Brave and determined
Velvet Soft fabric
Vivian Full of life
Vanguard Leader of a movement or trend
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Vail Valley
Vex To cause distress or annoyance
Velocity Speed, quickness
Vespera Evening star
Voyager Traveler
Vagabond Wanderer
Vortex Whirlwind
Valor Strength, courage
Vail Valley
Veridian Green gemstone
Visionary Forward-thinking, imaginative
Vivid Bright, intense


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor, and the list of ‘V’ names presented here aims to assist and inspire you on this heartwarming journey. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply a melodious sound, the world of ‘V’ names provides a myriad of choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘V’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘V’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘V’ names include Victor, Vincent, and Vaughn, while for girls, Victoria, Violet, and Vivian are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘V’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Vance means “marshland” or “bog,” Valencia translates to “bravery” or “strength,” and Valentina signifies “strong” or “healthy.”
  3. Are there ‘V’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘V’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Vashti has Persian roots, meaning “beautiful” or “noble,” and Vivek is of Sanskrit origin, representing “wisdom” or “knowledge.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘V’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘V’ names like Vivian, Valentine, or Victory can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘V’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘V’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.

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