500 Baby Names That Start With ‘S’, Names with Meaning


Choosing a name for your baby is a momentous and exciting task, signifying the beginning of their unique identity. If you’re captivated by names beginning with the letter ‘S,’ you’re about to embark on a journey of exploration. ‘S’ names offer a diverse array of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘S’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘S’

Name Meaning
Sophia Wisdom
Scarlett Red
Stella Star
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Sienna Orange-red
Savannah Flat tropical grassland
Sage Wise and knowing
Summer Warmest season of the year
Selena Moon goddess
Skye Cloud
Sloane Raider
Sydney Wide meadow
Simone Heard
Suri Red rose
Sadie Princess
Shiloh Peaceful
Scarlett Red
Skylar Shelter
Sabrina Princess
Serenity Peaceful
Sierra Mountain
Selene Moon
Salma Safe, healthy
Samara Guarded by God
Saoirse Freedom
Solange Angel
Selah To pause and reflect
Sariah Princess
Shira Song
Samira Entertaining companion
Sunday Day of the week
Saylor Rope maker
Siena Orange-red
Soraya Princess
Sable Black
Shay Admirable
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Selene Moon
Serena Serene, calm
Selah To pause and reflect
Sasha Defender of mankind
Shiloh Peaceful
Sonnet Little song
Solstice Sun stands still
Stormy Tempestuous
Serenity Peaceful
Sierra Mountain
Skyla Sky, heavens
Suri Red rose
Sable Black
Sylvie Wild, wood
Soleil Sun
Sonnet Little song
Sunday Day of the week
Savannah Flat tropical grassland
Selena Moon goddess
Samara Guarded by God
Shira Song
Shay Admirable
Solange Angel
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Sabrina Princess
Saylor Rope maker
Selah To pause and reflect
Samira Entertaining companion
Stormy Tempestuous
Siena Orange-red
Shayla Fairy princess
Scarlett Red
Skyler Scholar
Scout To listen
Simone Heard
Sloane Raider
Sydney Wide meadow
Sofia Wisdom
Shiloh Peaceful
Scarlett Red
Stella Star
Selene Moon
Serenity Peaceful
Savannah Flat tropical grassland
Sage Wise and knowing
Summer Warmest season of the year
Selah To pause and reflect
Simone Heard
Suri Red rose
Sadie Princess
Shiloh Peaceful
Scarlett Red
Skylar Shelter
Sabrina Princess
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Sierra Mountain
Selene Moon
Salma Safe, healthy

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘S’

Name Meaning
Samuel Heard by God
Sebastian Revered
Sawyer Woodcutter
Simon Heard
Silas Man of the forest
Shane God is gracious
Spencer Steward
Seth Appointed
Sterling High quality, excellent
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Scott Gaelic speaker
Stanley Stony clearing
Samson Sun
Soren Stern
Stefan Crown
Stellan Calm
Skyler Scholar
Saxon Swordsman
Solomon Peaceful
Shane God is gracious
Sawyer Woodcutter
Sebastian Revered
Simon Heard
Silas Man of the forest
Spencer Steward
Sterling High quality, excellent
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Scott Gaelic speaker
Seth Appointed
Stanley Stony clearing
Samson Sun
Soren Stern
Stefan Crown
Stellan Calm
Skyler Scholar
Saxon Swordsman
Solomon Peaceful
Silvio Wood, forest
Saul Asked for, prayed for
Scott Gaelic speaker
Stephen Crown
Samir Companion in evening talk
Shiloh Peaceful
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Sterling High quality, excellent
Spencer Steward
Sawyer Woodcutter
Sebastian Revered
Simon Heard
Silas Man of the forest
Shane God is gracious
Stanley Stony clearing
Seth Appointed
Samson Sun
Soren Stern
Stefan Crown
Stellan Calm
Skyler Scholar
Saxon Swordsman
Solomon Peaceful
Shane God is gracious
Sawyer Woodcutter
Sebastian Revered
Simon Heard
Silas Man of the forest
Spencer Steward
Sterling High quality, excellent
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Scott Gaelic speaker
Seth Appointed
Stanley Stony clearing
Samson Sun
Soren Stern
Stefan Crown
Stellan Calm
Skyler Scholar
Saxon Swordsman
Solomon Peaceful
Silvio Wood, forest
Saul Asked for, prayed for
Scott Gaelic speaker
Stephen Crown
Samir Companion in evening talk
Shiloh Peaceful
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Sterling High quality, excellent
Spencer Steward
Sawyer Woodcutter
Sebastian Revered
Simon Heard
Silas Man of the forest
Shane God is gracious
Stanley Stony clearing
Seth Appointed
Samson Sun
Soren Stern
Stefan Crown
Stellan Calm
Skyler Scholar
Saxon Swordsman
Solomon Peaceful
Silvio Wood, forest
Saul Asked for, prayed for
Scott Gaelic speaker
Stephen Crown
Samir Companion in evening talk
Shiloh Peaceful

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Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘S’

Name Meaning
Silas Man of the forest
Skylar Scholar
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Sterling High quality, excellent
Sebastian Revered
Scarlett Red
Sawyer Woodcutter
Soren Stern
Solomon Peaceful
Storm Tempestuous
Sullivan Dark-eyed
Skyler Scholar
Sage Wise and knowing
Silvio Wood, forest
Shiloh Peaceful
Saxon Swordsman
Sierra Mountain
Sasha Defender of mankind
Sonnet Little song
Sparrow Small bird
Shadow Shade, darkness
Sirius Brightest star in the night sky
Solstice Sun stands still
Summit Peak
Starling Star-like
Sphinx Mythical creature with a lion’s body
Stormy Tempestuous
Sable Black
Stellan Calm
Serenade Musical composition
Solaris Of the sun
Striker One who strikes
Stardust Cosmic dust
Swayze Inspired by the actor Patrick Swayze
Swift Quick and agile
Solitude State of being alone
Sundance Dance performed in the sunlight
Skylark Lively, cheerful songbird
Sable Black
Sterling High quality, excellent
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Shadow Shade, darkness
Sirius Brightest star in the night sky
Skylar Scholar
Striker One who strikes
Shiloh Peaceful
Summit Peak
Stormy Tempestuous
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sasha Defender of mankind
Saxon Swordsman
Sienna Orange-red
Solara Of the sun
Stone Hard, solid substance
Surf Breaking waves at the shore
Sorcerer Wizard or magician
Stealth Quiet, secret movement
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Solaris Of the sun
Sorrel Reddish-brown color
Shade Dark area, shadow
Solaris Of the sun
Spirit Vital force, essence
Spark Small fiery particle
Starlight Light emitted by stars
Sable Black
Sterling High quality, excellent
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Shadow Shade, darkness
Sirius Brightest star in the night sky
Skylar Scholar
Striker One who strikes
Shiloh Peaceful
Summit Peak
Stormy Tempestuous
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sasha Defender of mankind
Saxon Swordsman
Sienna Orange-red
Solara Of the sun
Stone Hard, solid substance
Surf Breaking waves at the shore
Sorcerer Wizard or magician
Stealth Quiet, secret movement
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Solaris Of the sun
Sorrel Reddish-brown color
Shade Dark area, shadow
Solaris Of the sun
Spirit Vital force, essence
Spark Small fiery particle
Starlight Light emitted by stars
Storm Tempestuous
Stellar Of or relating to stars
Sable Black
Sterling High quality, excellent
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Shadow Shade, darkness
Sirius Brightest star in the night sky
Skylar Scholar
Striker One who strikes
Shiloh Peaceful
Summit Peak
Stormy Tempestuous
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sasha Defender of mankind
Saxon Swordsman
Sienna Orange-red
Solara Of the sun
Stone Hard, solid substance
Surf Breaking waves at the shore
Sorcerer Wizard or magician
Stealth Quiet, secret movement
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Solaris Of the sun
Sorrel Reddish-brown color
Shade Dark area, shadow
Solaris Of the sun
Spirit Vital force, essence
Spark Small fiery particle
Starlight Light emitted by stars
Storm Tempestuous
Stellar Of or relating to stars

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Unique ‘S’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Seren Star
Sable Black
Solara Of the sun
Soren Stern
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Saffron Yellow flower spice
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Sora Sky, air
Soledad Solitude, lonely
Sparrow Small bird
Soren Stern
Seren Star
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Solara Of the sun
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Sable Black
Selkie Mythical seal creature
Satori Enlightenment, sudden awakening
Saffron Yellow flower spice
Solstice Sun stands still
Silvio Wood, forest
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Seren Star
Solara Of the sun
Soren Stern
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Solara Of the sun
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Saffron Yellow flower spice
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Sora Sky, air
Soledad Solitude, lonely
Sparrow Small bird
Soren Stern
Seren Star
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Solara Of the sun
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Sable Black
Selkie Mythical seal creature
Satori Enlightenment, sudden awakening
Saffron Yellow flower spice
Solstice Sun stands still
Silvio Wood, forest
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Seren Star
Solara Of the sun
Soren Stern
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Solara Of the sun
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Sable Black
Selkie Mythical seal creature
Satori Enlightenment, sudden awakening
Saffron Yellow flower spice
Solstice Sun stands still
Silvio Wood, forest
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Seren Star
Solara Of the sun
Soren Stern
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Seraphina Fiery, ardent
Silvio Wood, forest
Solstice Sun stands still
Sequoia Giant redwood tree

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘S’

Name Meaning
Sky Atmosphere above Earth
Sloane Raider
Sam Heard
Sage Wise and knowing
Sparrow Small bird
Solstice Sun stands still
Sable Black
Skylar Shelter
Serenity Peaceful
Storm Tempestuous
Sailor One who navigates the sea
Scout To listen
Sage Wise and knowing
Sunny Full of sunlight
Story Narrative, tale
Starling Star-like
Steele Hard as steel
Stormy Tempestuous
Sandy Defender of mankind
Skyler Shelter
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Song Musical composition
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Slate Fine-grained rock
Shadow Shade, darkness
Spark Small fiery particle
Sol Sun
Sterling High quality, excellent
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Silvan Wood, forest
Solara Of the sun
Sora Sky, air
Solaris Of the sun
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Stormie Tempestuous
Shay Admirable
Snow Frozen precipitation
Sailor One who navigates the sea
Star Celestial body
Swan Graceful waterfowl
Sage Wise and knowing
Sky Atmosphere above Earth
Sloane Raider
Sam Heard
Sage Wise and knowing
Sparrow Small bird
Solstice Sun stands still
Sable Black
Skylar Shelter
Serenity Peaceful
Storm Tempestuous
Sailor One who navigates the sea
Scout To listen
Sage Wise and knowing
Sunny Full of sunlight
Story Narrative, tale
Starling Star-like
Steele Hard as steel
Stormy Tempestuous
Sandy Defender of mankind
Skyler Shelter
Seraph Angelic, fiery
Song Musical composition
Symphony Harmonious arrangement of sounds
Slate Fine-grained rock
Shadow Shade, darkness
Spark Small fiery particle
Sol Sun
Sterling High quality, excellent
Seraphiel Angelic, fiery
Silvan Wood, forest
Solara Of the sun
Sora Sky, air
Solaris Of the sun
Sylas Variant of Silas, man of the forest
Sequoia Giant redwood tree
Stormie Tempestuous
Shay Admirable
Snow Frozen precipitation
Sailor One who navigates the sea
Star Celestial body
Swan Graceful waterfowl


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and joyous experience, and the list of ‘S’ names presented here aims to assist and inspire you in this meaningful endeavor. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply a melodious sound, the world of ‘S’ names provides a myriad of choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘S’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘S’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘S’ names include Samuel, Sebastian, and Sawyer, while for girls, Sophia, Scarlett, and Stella are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘S’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Seraphina means “fiery” or “angelic,” Silas translates to “wood” or “forest,” and Selene signifies “moon” or “brightness.”
  3. Are there ‘S’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘S’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Surya is of Sanskrit origin, representing the sun in Hindu mythology, and Santiago has Spanish roots, meaning “Saint James.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘S’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘S’ names like Skyler, Sage, or Sidney can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘S’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘S’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.