500 Baby Names That Start With ‘R’, Names with Meaning


Choosing a name for your baby is a significant and joyful task, marking the beginning of their individuality. If you’re enchanted by names beginning with the letter ‘R,’ you’re about to embark on a journey of exploration. ‘R’ names offer a diverse array of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this curated list, we present a selection of ‘R’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘R’

Name Meaning
Rachel Ewe (female sheep)
Rebecca Captivating
Rose Flower
Ruby Red gemstone
Riley Courageous
Raelyn Lamb of God
Raina Queen
Reagan Little ruler or queen
Rowan Little redhead
Rhea Flowing stream
Remi Oarsman
Reese Enthusiastic
Rylie Courageous
Rosalind Pretty rose
Ramona Wise protector
Renee Reborn
Regina Queen
River Flowing water
Rosalie Rose
Rayna Queen
Ryleigh Courageous
Raegan Little ruler or queen
Reina Queen
Rhiannon Great queen
Rebecca Captivating
Rosemary Dew of the sea
Rowan Little redhead
Rylee Courageous
Rainey Queen
Remington Settlement by the stream
Roselyn Pretty rose
Raelyn Lamb of God
Reagan Little ruler or queen
Rowena Famous friend
Renata Reborn
Romilly From the Roman settlement
Roxanne Bright, dawn-like
Raven Dark-haired
Ruby Red gemstone
Rhea Flowing stream
Rayna Queen
Rosalind Pretty rose
Ramona Wise protector
Regina Queen
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
Riley Courageous
Raquel Innocent lamb
Rosetta Little rose
Ruth Compassionate friend
Reina Queen
Raven Dark-haired
Raelyn Lamb of God
River Flowing water
Rosemary Dew of the sea
Rosalyn Pretty rose
Reagan Little ruler or queen
Rowena Famous friend
Remi Oarsman
Rainey Queen
Ryleigh Courageous
Roxanne Bright, dawn-like
Ramona Wise protector
Riley Courageous
Rachel Ewe (female sheep)
Regina Queen
Rose Flower
Ruby Red gemstone
Riley Courageous
Raelyn Lamb of God
Raina Queen
Reagan Little ruler or queen
Rowan Little redhead
Rhea Flowing stream
Remi Oarsman
Reese Enthusiastic
Rylie Courageous
Rosalind Pretty rose
Ramona Wise protector
Renee Reborn
Regina Queen
River Flowing water
Rosalie Rose
Rayna Queen
Ryleigh Courageous
Raegan Little ruler or queen
Reina Queen
Rhiannon Great queen
Rebecca Captivating
Rosemary Dew of the sea
Rowan Little redhead
Rylee Courageous
Rainey Queen
Remington Settlement by the stream
Roselyn Pretty rose
Raelyn Lamb of God
Reagan Little ruler or queen
Rowena Famous friend
Renata Reborn
Romilly From the Roman settlement
Roxanne Bright, dawn-like

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘R’

Name Meaning
Ryan Little king
Riley Courageous
Robert Bright fame
Roman Citizen of Rome
Rowan Little redhead
Richard Brave ruler
Rylan Island meadow
Raymond Wise protector
Reese Enthusiastic
Rhys Enthusiasm
Raphael God has healed
Reed Red-haired
Royce Son of the king
Reginald Advice, rule
Russell Red-haired or fox-colored
Reed Red-haired
Remington Settlement by the stream
Ronald Mighty counselor
Raymond Wise protector
Rocco Rest
Raymond Wise protector
Rafael God has healed
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
Roger Famous spear
Ryder Horseman
Remy Oarsman
Reuben Behold, a son
Roy King
Reed Red-haired
Roland Famous throughout the land
Ross Headland, promontory
Rhett Advice
Ravi Sun
Ruben Behold, a son
Rafael God has healed
Rocco Rest
Raymond Wise protector
Rhys Enthusiasm
Ryder Horseman
Ryan Little king
Riley Courageous
Robert Bright fame
Roman Citizen of Rome
Rowan Little redhead
Richard Brave ruler
Rylan Island meadow
Royce Son of the king
Reginald Advice, rule
Russell Red-haired or fox-colored
Reed Red-haired
Remington Settlement by the stream
Ronald Mighty counselor
Raymond Wise protector
Rocco Rest
Raymond Wise protector
Rafael God has healed
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
Roger Famous spear
Ryder Horseman
Remy Oarsman
Reuben Behold, a son
Roy King
Reed Red-haired
Roland Famous throughout the land
Ross Headland, promontory
Rhett Advice
Ravi Sun
Ruben Behold, a son
Rafael God has healed
Rocco Rest
Raymond Wise protector
Rhys Enthusiasm
Ryder Horseman
Ryan Little king
Riley Courageous
Robert Bright fame
Roman Citizen of Rome
Rowan Little redhead
Richard Brave ruler
Rylan Island meadow
Royce Son of the king
Reginald Advice, rule
Russell Red-haired or fox-colored
Reed Red-haired
Remington Settlement by the stream
Ronald Mighty counselor
Raymond Wise protector
Rocco Rest
Raymond Wise protector
Rafael God has healed
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
Roger Famous spear
Ryder Horseman
Remy Oarsman
Reuben Behold, a son
Roy King
Reed Red-haired
Roland Famous throughout the land
Ross Headland, promontory
Rhett Advice
Ravi Sun
Ruben Behold, a son

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Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘R’

Name Meaning
Ryder Horseman
Raven Dark-haired
River Flowing water
Rowan Little redhead
Rockwell Rocky spring
Rebel One who resists authority
Raine Queen
Raiden God of thunder
Raylan Wise protector
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rocket Jet-propelled projectile
Rylan Island meadow
Riot Violent disturbance
Remy Oarsman
Rex King
Radley Red meadow
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rhys Enthusiasm
Rocco Rest
Rune Secret
Renegade One who deserts and betrays an organization
Remington Settlement by the stream
Roxy Bright, dawn-like
Rockwell Rocky spring
Ransom Redeemer
Rebel One who resists authority
Rowdy Spirited and disorderly
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Ronin Masterless samurai
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Ridge Elevated crest or line
Raptor Bird of prey
Racer One who competes in races
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Radley Red meadow
Raine Queen
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rebel One who resists authority
Remy Oarsman
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rylan Island meadow
Rowan Little redhead
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Remington Settlement by the stream
Rex King
Rider Horseman
Rocket Jet-propelled projectile
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rhys Enthusiasm
Rocco Rest
Raptor Bird of prey
Radley Red meadow
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Roxy Bright, dawn-like
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Ridge Elevated crest or line
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Raiden God of thunder
Ryder Horseman
Raven Dark-haired
River Flowing water
Rowan Little redhead
Rockwell Rocky spring
Rebel One who resists authority
Raine Queen
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rocket Jet-propelled projectile
Rylan Island meadow
Riot Violent disturbance
Remy Oarsman
Rex King
Radley Red meadow
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rhys Enthusiasm
Rocco Rest
Rune Secret
Renegade One who deserts and betrays an organization
Remington Settlement by the stream
Roxy Bright, dawn-like
Rockwell Rocky spring
Ransom Redeemer
Rebel One who resists authority
Rowdy Spirited and disorderly
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Ronin Masterless samurai
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Ridge Elevated crest or line
Raptor Bird of prey
Racer One who competes in races
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Radley Red meadow
Raine Queen
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rebel One who resists authority
Remy Oarsman
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rylan Island meadow
Rowan Little redhead
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Remington Settlement by the stream
Rex King
Rider Horseman
Rocket Jet-propelled projectile
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rhys Enthusiasm
Rocco Rest
Raptor Bird of prey
Radley Red meadow
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Roxy Bright, dawn-like
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Ridge Elevated crest or line
Ryker Fast-paced
Rush Quick, energetic movement
Raiden God of thunder
Ryder Horseman
Raven Dark-haired
River Flowing water
Rowan Little redhead
Rockwell Rocky spring
Rebel One who resists authority
Raine Queen
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rocket Jet-propelled projectile
Rylan Island meadow
Riot Violent disturbance
Remy Oarsman
Rex King
Radley Red meadow
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rhys Enthusiasm
Rocco Rest
Rune Secret
Renegade One who deserts and betrays an organization
Remington Settlement by the stream
Roxy Bright, dawn-like
Rockwell Rocky spring

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Unique ‘R’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Raiden God of thunder
Rainier Wise warrior
Rhapsody Musical composition
Rigel Bright blue star in Orion’s constellation
Ripley Strip of clearing in the woods
Roscoe Deer forest
Rumer Gypsy
Rune Secret
Rutherford From the cattle ford
Rylan Island meadow
Ryker Fast-paced
Rhapsody Musical composition
Roswell Well-known rose
Rogue A dishonest or unprincipled person
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Ryne Little king
Rustin Rusty
Renzo Laurel wreath
Royce Son of the king
Ramsey Wild garlic island
Revere Respect, honor
Rook Chess piece
Royston Royal stone
Rowley Deer meadow
Roane Red-haired
Raoul Wolf council
Rourke Red-haired
Rhett Advice
Rand Shield wolf
Ronan Little seal
Reiko Grateful, blessed
Rialto High bridge
Rosalba White rose
Ravenna Raven
Revan Raven
Rosabel Beautiful rose
Royston Royal stone
Raylan Wise protector
Renwick Raven farm
Rowenna Famous friend
Riva River
Rune Secret
Revere Respect, honor
Rowland Renowned in the land
Renzo Laurel wreath
Ruari Red-haired king
Rhea Flowing stream
Rune Secret
Rainer Strong counselor
Ronin Masterless samurai
Rhys Enthusiasm
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Rhidian Running
Royal Regal, kingly
Riviera Coastline
Roslyn Pretty rose
Rueben Behold, a son
Rumer Gypsy
Renner Raven
Rockland Land of rocks
Raya Friend
Redford Red ford
Romilly From the Roman settlement
Ripley Strip of clearing in the woods
Rosalind Pretty rose
Ravel Unravel
Rigby Ruler’s estate
Redmond Wise protector
Rozelle Rose
Rufus Red-haired
Royden Royal valley
Reaghan Little ruler
Romelle Little Roman
Rune Secret
Riven Split, torn
Rozario Rosary
Rutherford From the cattle ford
Ryder Horseman
Remus Swift
Regulus Prince
Roshan Shining light
Ramsay Wild garlic island
Rumi Beautiful
Rhidian Running
Roland Famous throughout the land
Rue Regret
Ramona Wise protector
Reign Sovereign rule or authority
Rivalen Valley of the hazels
Rosalind Pretty rose
Rikuto Land with good fortune
Riva River
Radley Red meadow
Rynn Little king
Ravel Unravel
Rosamund Rose of the world

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘R’

Name Meaning
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus
Riley Courageous
Rowan Little redhead
Reese Enthusiastic
River Flowing water
Remy Oarsman
Robin Bright fame
Rain Abundant blessings
Ray Wise protector
Ren Lotus
Reed Red-haired
Raine Queen
Rylan Island meadow
Rumi Beautiful
Remi Oarsman
Ren Lotus


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor, and the list of ‘R’ names presented here aims to inspire and guide you in this joyful journey. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply a melodious sound, the world of ‘R’ names offers a spectrum of choices. As you explore this list, imagine the joy and identity that your chosen ‘R’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘R’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘R’ names include Ryan, Robert, and Riley, while for girls, Rachel, Rebecca, and Rose are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘R’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Rafael means “God has healed,” Rhiannon translates to “divine queen” or “nymph,” and Ronin signifies “samurai without a master.”
  3. Are there ‘R’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘R’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Ravi is of Sanskrit origin, representing the sun, and Ramona has Spanish roots, meaning “wise protector.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘R’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘R’ names like Riley, Robin, or Reese can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘R’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘R’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.