500 Baby Names That Start With ‘U’, Names with Meaning

Selecting a name for your baby is a momentous and joyful decision, marking the beginning of their unique identity. If you’re intrigued by names starting with the letter ‘U,’ you’re embarking on a distinctive journey. ‘U’ names offer a unique and rare collection of options, each carrying its own charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘U’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘U’

Name Meaning
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Usha Dawn, Sunrise
Umi Life, Beautiful
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ursula Little Bear
Ulla Will, Determination
Ulani Cheerful
Umaima Little Mother, Good-natured
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Uriah God is my Light
Urmila Enchantress
Ulrica Powerful Ruler
Ulani Cheerful
Unika To Blossom
Ulyssa Witty
Ume Plum Blossom
Uzuri Beauty, Goodness
Umika Goddess Parvati
Unique One of a Kind
Umaya Goddess Parvati
Ursina Little Bear
Ujwala Bright, Lustrous
Udana Upward, Growing
Uthara Superior, Northern
Ulka Shooting Star
Ujjwala Bright, Luminous
Ushasri Ray of Dawn
Uchenna God’s Will
Urit Light
Ura The Heart
Ulla To Fill Up, Prosperous
Ura Heart’s Desire
Ulina The Joy of the Lord
Ulema Learned One
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ulyssa Witty
Uzima Full of Life
Udara Generous
Ulva Wolf
Ujjala Bright, Radiant
Umra Lifetime, Age
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Ushi Joyful
Uthara Superior, Northern
Uki Life
Unnati Progress, Growth
Ulani Cheerful
Urmi Wave
Uda Wealthy
Uzra Virgin
Uzuri Beauty, Goodness
Ula Sea Jewel
Uchitha Correct
Ura Heart’s Desire
Uzoma Good Road
Uba Flower
Utpala Lotus
Uvelia Heavenly
Ume Plum Blossom
Udhaya Dawn, Sunrise
Ulia Soft-Haired
Urvika The Light of the Dawn
Umaya Goddess Parvati
Udele Wealthy, Prosperous
Utkarsha Energetic, Filled with Enthusiasm
Umika Goddess Parvati
Urmika Small Wave
Ushasri Ray of Dawn
Umaira Life, Long Life
Umnia Gift of God
Ulanda Noble, Honorable
Ulyana Youthful, Downy
Uthra Fame, Prosperity
Unnati Progress, Growth
Ulla To Fill Up, Prosperous
Ujwala Bright, Lustrous
Urvi Earth
Udiya First
Umaira Life, Long Life
Umika Goddess Parvati
Utpala Lotus
Urvashi The Ganges River, Celestial Maiden
Utsavi Celebration
Uditi Rising Sun
Ulrika Prosperous, Powerful Ruler
Udaya Dawn, Rising Sun
Ushna Warmth
Urja Energy
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Ujala Bright, Clear
Urvi Earth
Ushna Warmth
Uthira Excellent
Ula Sea Jewel
Ushira The Sweet Scent of a Blossom
Umaima Little Mother, Good-natured

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘U’

Name Meaning
Ulysses Wrathful
Uriah God is my Light
Umar Life
Ugo Eagle
Upton Upper Town
Uzair Intelligent
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Usher Doorkeeper
Urban City Dweller
Uwe Wealth
Utah People of the Mountains
Ulan First Born Twin
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ulises Variant of Ulysses
Umar Life
Uzziah Strength of God
Uriel God is my Light
Ulrich Noble Ruler
Uzoma Good Road
Upton Upper Town
Urijah God is my Light
Ubaldo Bold, Courageous
Ulmer Famous, Renowned
Umer Life
Ugochukwu God’s Glory
Uzair Intelligent
Ulises Variant of Ulysses
Urban City Dweller
Uthman Baby Snake
Ulysses Wrathful
Usher Doorkeeper
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ulan First Born Twin
Uzoma Good Road
Ubaldo Bold, Courageous
Umer Life
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Urijah God is my Light
Upton Upper Town
Uzair Intelligent
Ulises Variant of Ulysses
Urban City Dweller
Uthman Baby Snake
Usher Doorkeeper
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ulan First Born Twin
Uzoma Good Road
Umar Life
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Uriah God is my Light
Upton Upper Town
Uzair Intelligent
Ulises Variant of Ulysses
Urban City Dweller
Uthman Baby Snake
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ulan First Born Twin
Ulysses Wrathful
Urijah God is my Light
Upton Upper Town
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Uzair Intelligent
Usher Doorkeeper
Ugo Eagle
Ubaldo Bold, Courageous
Umer Life
Ulysses Wrathful
Ulises Variant of Ulysses
Uriel God is my Light
Urban City Dweller
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Uzoma Good Road
Usher Doorkeeper
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ugochukwu God’s Glory
Upton Upper Town
Uthman Baby Snake
Ulrich Noble Ruler
Ulan First Born Twin
Uzair Intelligent
Ubaldo Bold, Courageous
Umer Life
Urijah God is my Light

Also Read : 500 Baby Names That Start With ‘S’, Names with Meaning

Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘U’

Name Meaning
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Ursa Little Bear
Urban City Dweller
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Uzair Intelligent
Usher Gatekeeper
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ulani Cheerful
Utopia Ideal Place
Umar Life
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ursa Little Bear
Ulva Wolf
Umani Desire, Aspiration
Ulani Cheerful
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Uziah Strength of God
Ulric Ruler of All
Ugo Eagle
Ulan First Born Twin
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Upton Upper Town
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ursa Little Bear
Uther Ruler of the People
Ugochukwu God’s Glory
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Umar Life
Urijah God is my Light
Usher Gatekeeper
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Uzair Intelligent
Ulani Cheerful
Utopia Ideal Place
Urban City Dweller
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Ursa Little Bear
Umani Desire, Aspiration
Ulva Wolf
Ulric Ruler of All
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Ulani Cheerful
Upton Upper Town
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Usher Gatekeeper
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Ugo Eagle
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Urban City Dweller
Ursa Little Bear
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Uzair Intelligent
Utopia Ideal Place
Umani Desire, Aspiration
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Usher Gatekeeper
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Ulani Cheerful
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Ursa Little Bear
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ulva Wolf
Utopia Ideal Place
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Umar Life
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ulan First Born Twin
Ugo Eagle
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Urijah God is my Light
Usher Gatekeeper
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe

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Unique ‘U’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Ulani Cheerful
Uziah Strength of God
Uriel God is my Light
Upton Upper Town
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Ulva Wolf
Umani Desire, Aspiration
Uther Ruler of the People
Ukiyo Floating World (Japanese)
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Ugo Eagle
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ursa Little Bear
Utopia Ideal Place
Usher Gatekeeper
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Umi Ocean, Sea
Urban City Dweller
Udaya Sunrise
Uzair Intelligent
Ubaldo Bold, Courageous
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Ulanda Famous Land
Ulan First Born Twin
Ursa Little Bear
Ulysse Variant of Ulysses
Ulyssa Witty
Ujala Bright, Clear
Uzziah Strength of God
Ulka Shooting Star
Urvi Earth
Uthra Fame, Prosperity
Uziel God is My Strength
Udiya First
Uthman Baby Snake
Ulphia Wolf Peace
Urijah God is my Light
Ulmer Famous, Renowned
Ulanda Famous Land
Ula Sea Jewel
Udell From the Yew Tree Valley
Udita One who has Risen
Udara Generous
Ulanda Noble, Honorable
Ulla To Fill Up, Prosperous
Ulphia Wolf Peace
Ulka Shooting Star
Umaima Little Mother, Good-natured
Ume Plum Blossom
Ujala Bright, Radiant
Uzoma Good Road
Urvashi The Ganges River, Celestial Maiden
Urita Light
Urmi Wave
Urja Energy
Uki Life
Unika To Blossom
Unnati Progress, Growth
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Upasana Worship
Upen Love
Upton Upper Town
Uqba Conqueror
Urvi Earth
Usha Dawn, Sunrise
Ushna Warmth
Utsav Celebration
Uvelia Heavenly
Uzair Intelligent
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Uziel God is My Strength
Uzoma Good Road
Uthara Superior, Northern
Udaya Dawn, Sunrise
Umra Lifetime, Age
Ulina The Joy of the Lord
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Umika Goddess Parvati
Ujwala Bright, Luminous
Umaira Life, Long Life
Ushasri Ray of Dawn
Ujwala Bright, Lustrous

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘U’

Name Meaning
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ula Sea Jewel
Urban City Dweller
Uziah Strength of God
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Ulan First Born Twin
Umika Goddess Parvati
Umi Ocean, Sea
Uzair Intelligent
Upton Upper Town
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Uzziel God is my Strength
Ursa Little Bear
Udaya Dawn, Sunrise
Usher Gatekeeper
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Ugo Eagle
Utopia Ideal Place
Umra Lifetime, Age
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Umaima Little Mother, Good-natured
Ulyssa Witty
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Unika To Blossom
Ujala Bright, Clear
Uzziah Strength of God
Ulka Shooting Star
Urit Light
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Ume Plum Blossom
Unnati Progress, Growth
Umika Goddess Parvati
Ulina The Joy of the Lord
Ulema Learned One
Uvelia Heavenly
Uchitha Correct
Uzuri Beauty, Goodness
Uzoma Good Road
Uba Flower
Udhaya Dawn, Sunrise
Urvika The Light of the Dawn
Urja Energy
Ujala Bright, Radiant
Ulva Wolf
Uki Life
Unnati Progress, Growth
Urvi Earth
Udaya Dawn, Sunrise
Umra Lifetime, Age
Usha Dawn, Sunrise
Uzma Greatest, Most Supreme
Ulani Cheerful
Umika Goddess Parvati
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Umarion Combination of Umar and Marion
Ulanda Famous Land
Ulric Wolf Ruler
Ula Sea Jewel
Udaya Dawn, Sunrise
Umiya Goddess Parvati
Ujwala Bright, Lustrous
Udele Wealthy, Prosperous
Unika To Blossom
Ulva Wolf
Umra Lifetime, Age
Uda Wealthy
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Urvashi The Ganges River, Celestial Maiden
Umaira Life, Long Life
Umnia Gift of God
Ulanda Noble, Honorable
Unnati Progress, Growth
Ulla To Fill Up, Prosperous
Ulva Wolf
Uda Wealthy
Umika Goddess Parvati
Utsav Celebration
Ulva Wolf
Ujwala Bright, Lustrous
Uma Goddess Parvati, Mother of the Universe
Ulani Cheerful
Umika Goddess Parvati
Unity Oneness, Harmony
Ulysses Cunning and Resourceful
Ushi Joyful


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor, and the list of ‘U’ names presented here aims to assist and inspire you in this joyful journey. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply an uncommon sound, the world of ‘U’ names offers intriguing choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘U’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘U’ names for boys and girls?
    • ‘U’ names are relatively uncommon, and popularity can vary. For boys, names like Uriah or Ulysses might be considered, and for girls, Uma or Ursula could be options.
  2. Can you suggest ‘U’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Uriah means “God is my light” or “the Lord is my light,” Uma translates to “splendor” or “light,” and Ulysses signifies “wrathful” or “hateful.”
  3. Are there ‘U’ names with cultural significance?
    • ‘U’ names are not as common across cultures, but some, like Umar (Arabic for “flourishing” or “life”) or Ulani (Hawaiian for “cheerful” or “happy”), do have cultural roots.
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘U’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘U’ names like Unisex, Unity, or Urban can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘U’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Given the uniqueness of ‘U’ names, consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pair them with middle names that complement their sound and style, creating a cohesive and pleasing combination.

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