500 Baby Names That Start With ‘Y’, Names with Meaning


Choosing a name for your baby is a momentous and joyous task, signifying the beginning of their unique identity. If you’re captivated by names starting with the letter ‘Y,’ you’re embarking on a journey of exploration. ‘Y’ names offer a diverse array of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘Y’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘Y’

Name Meaning
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yara Butterfly
Yuna Kindness
Yvette Yew wood
Yolanda Violet flower
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yvonne Yew wood
Yuri Lily
Yara Small butterfly
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yara Water lady
Ysabel Dedicated to God
Yulia Youthful
Yvette Archer
Yana God is gracious
Yasmina Jasmine
Ysabella God’s promise
Yessenia Flower
Yvonne Archer
Ysabella God’s promise
Yvette Yew wood
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yesenia Flower
Ysabelle God is my oath
Yuliana Youthful
Yalena Bright, shining light
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yara Small butterfly
Yessenia Flower
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yvonne Archer
Yana God is gracious
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yuliana Youthful
Yolanda Violet flower
Yvette Yew wood
Yara Butterfly
Yelena Bright, shining light
Ysabella God’s promise
Yessenia Flower
Yuna Kindness
Yara Small butterfly
Yvette Archer
Yvonne Yew wood
Yasmina Jasmine
Yuri Lily
Yuliana Youthful
Yolanda Violet flower
Yana God is gracious
Yvette Archer
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yesenia Flower
Ysabelle God is my oath
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yuna Kindness
Ysabella God’s promise
Yvette Yew wood
Yuri Lily
Yara Butterfly
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yolanda Violet flower
Yasmina Jasmine
Yessenia Flower
Yana God is gracious
Ysabelle God is my oath
Yuliana Youthful
Yvette Archer
Yara Small butterfly
Yuna Kindness
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yolanda Violet flower
Yvette Yew wood
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yara Butterfly
Ysabella God’s promise
Yuri Lily
Yesenia Flower
Ysabelle God is my oath
Yana God is gracious
Yuliana Youthful
Yasmina Jasmine
Yvette Archer
Yuna Kindness
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yara Small butterfly
Yolanda Violet flower
Ysabella God’s promise
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yuliana Youthful
Yesenia Flower

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘Y’

Name Meaning
Yusuf God increases
Yash Fame
Yuvan Youthful
Yosef God will add
Yasin One of the Prophet’s names
Yohan Gift of God
Yair He will enlighten
Yuvraj Prince
Yannis God is gracious
Yashwin Success
Yitzhak Laughter
Yadiel God is my refuge
Yuvansh Part of youth
Yaqub Supplanter
Yonatan Gift of God
Yashwant One who has achieved glory
Yasser Easy-going
Yuvraj Prince
Yulian Youthful
Yitzchak Laughter
Yaqoob Supplanter
Yancy English origin, uncertain meaning
Yale From the fertile upland
York From the yew tree estate
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yeshaya God is salvation
Yannick God is gracious
Yasser Easy-going
Yannis God is gracious
Yuvan Youthful
Yaseen One of the Prophet’s names
Yitzhak Laughter
Yohann Gift of God
Yalchin Beloved
Yerik Ruler
Yousuf God increases
Yuto Gentle, superior
Yaseer Easy-going
Yashas Fame, success
Yuvansh Part of youth
Yasin One of the Prophet’s names
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yaseen One of the Prophet’s names
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yancey English origin, uncertain meaning
York From the yew tree estate
Yancy English origin, uncertain meaning
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yitzchak Laughter
Yannick God is gracious
Yancy English origin, uncertain meaning
Yale From the fertile upland
Yonatan Gift of God
Yair He will enlighten
Yuvansh Part of youth
Yashwin Success
Yulian Youthful
Yuvraj Prince
Yashwant One who has achieved glory
Yaqub Supplanter
Yadiel God is my refuge
Yitzhak Laughter
Yuvan Youthful
Yannis God is gracious
Yair He will enlighten
Yosef God will add
Yash Fame
Yuvansh Part of youth
Yohan Gift of God
Yitzchak Laughter
Yadiel God is my refuge
Yaqoob Supplanter
Yonatan Gift of God
Yashwant One who has achieved glory
Yasser Easy-going
Yuvraj Prince
Yulian Youthful
Yitzhak Laughter
Yaqoob Supplanter

Also Read : 500 Baby Names That Start With ‘W’, Names with Meaning

Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘Y’

Name Meaning
Yara Small butterfly
Yael Mountain goat
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yuri Lily
Yara Water lady
Yvonne Yew wood
Yasin One of the Prophet’s names
Yuna Kindness
Yves Archer
Yara Butterfly
Yara Strong
Yazid Abundance
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yvaine Evening star
Yvette Archer
Ysabel Dedicated to God
Yusra Ease, prosperity
Yannick God is gracious
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yara Princess
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yosef God will add
Yovela A song
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yves Yew wood
Yannis God is gracious
Ysabella God’s promise
Yuki Snow
Yarrow Healing herb
Yoselin Joyful
Yachne Gracious
Yann God is gracious
Yuma Son of the chief
Yori Reliable
Yuliana Youthful
Yared Friend
Yaira Radiant, light
Yashita Success
Yannick God is gracious
Yaretzi You will always be loved
York From the yew tree estate
Yulian Youthful
Yani Peaceful
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yannis God is gracious
Yannick God is gracious
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yancey English origin, uncertain meaning
Yadiel God is my refuge
Yaseen One of the Prophet’s names
Yaqoob Supplanter
Yashwin Success
Yuvan Youthful
Yael Mountain goat
Yara Small butterfly
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yuri Lily
Yuna Kindness
Yves Archer
Yara Butterfly
Yazid Abundance
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yvaine Evening star
Yvette Archer
Ysabel Dedicated to God
Yusra Ease, prosperity
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yara Princess
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yosef God will add
Yovela A song
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yves Yew wood
Yannis God is gracious
Ysabella God’s promise
Yuki Snow
Yarrow Healing herb
Yoselin Joyful
Yachne Gracious
Yann God is gracious
Yuma Son of the chief
Yori Reliable
Yuliana Youthful
Yared Friend
Yaira Radiant, light
Yashita Success
Yannick God is gracious
Yaretzi You will always be loved

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Unique ‘Y’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Yara Small butterfly
Yael Mountain goat
Yuna Kindness
Yarrow Healing herb
Yannis God is gracious
Yara Water lady
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yara Strong
Yosef God will add
Yara Butterfly
Yael Strength of God
Yaretzi You will always be loved
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yuki Snow
Yannis God is gracious
Yorick Farmer
Yulia Youthful
Yelena Bright, shining light
Yoruba A tribe in West Africa
Yori Reliable
Yuma Son of the chief
Yonatan Gift of God
Yarrow Healing herb
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yana God is gracious
Yasin One of the Prophet’s names
Yuvan Youthful
Yvette Archer
Yusra Ease, prosperity
Yannick God is gracious
Yashita Success
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yoselin Joyful
Yuvan Youthful
Yitzhak Laughter
Yoruba A tribe in West Africa
Yandel Explorer, adventurer
Yuliana Youthful
Ysabel Dedicated to God
Yuma Son of the chief
Yair He will enlighten
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yosef God will add
Ysabella God’s promise
Yonas Dove
Yves Archer
Yovela A song
Yulia Youthful
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yohann Gift of God
Yasiin One of the Prophet’s names
Yeshua Salvation
Yara Small butterfly
Yulian Youthful
Yaqoob Supplanter
Yara Princess
Yochanan God is gracious
Yancy English origin, uncertain meaning
Yitzhak Laughter
Yaden Little fire
Yuta Gentle
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yara Strong
Yonatan Gift of God
Yuvan Youthful
Yara Butterfly
Yaron Singing, joyful
Yosef God will add
Yovela A song
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yves Yew wood
Yannis God is gracious
Ysabella God’s promise
Yuki Snow
Yarrow Healing herb
Yoselin Joyful
Yachne Gracious
Yann God is gracious
Yuma Son of the chief
Yori Reliable
Yuliana Youthful
Yared Friend
Yaira Radiant, light
Yashita Success
Yannick God is gracious
Yaretzi You will always be loved

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘Y’

Name Meaning
Yael Mountain goat
Yara Small butterfly
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yannis God is gracious
Yarrow Healing herb
Yori Reliable
Yuma Son of the chief
Yonatan Gift of God
Yael Strength of God
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yuki Snow
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yannick God is gracious
Yves Archer
Yova Young warrior
Yannis God is gracious
Yona Dove
Yuma Son of the chief
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yuki Snow
Yael Mountain goat
Yonatan Gift of God
Yara Small butterfly
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yannis God is gracious
Yarrow Healing herb
Yori Reliable
Yuma Son of the chief
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yael Strength of God
Yuki Snow
Yaritza Beautiful water
Yannis God is gracious
Yarrow Healing herb
Yona Dove
Yuma Son of the chief
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yannis God is gracious
Yova Young warrior
Yara Small butterfly
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yara Strong
Yosef God will add
Yarrow Healing herb
Yasmine Jasmine flower
Yara Princess
Yarin Full of joy
Yuma Son of the chief
Yonatan Gift of God
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yael Mountain goat
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yannis God is gracious
Yona Dove
Yarrow Healing herb
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yara Small butterfly
Yannis God is gracious
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yael Mountain goat
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yannis God is gracious
Yuki Snow
Yara Princess
Yarin Full of joy
Yova Young warrior
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yona Dove
Yosef God will add
Yarrow Healing herb
Yvette Archer
Yuli Youthful
Yuma Son of the chief
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yonatan Gift of God
Yael Mountain goat
Yasmin Jasmine flower
Yannis God is gracious
Yona Dove
Yarrow Healing herb
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yara Small butterfly
Yasir Prosperous
Yosef God will add
Yarden To flow down, descend
Yuki Snow
Yara Princess
Yarin Full of joy
Yova Young warrior
Yule Winter solstice festival
Yona Dove
Yarrow Healing herb


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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and meaningful endeavor, and the list of ‘Y’ names presented here aims to inspire and guide you on this heartwarming journey. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply a pleasing sound, the world of ‘Y’ names provides a spectrum of choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘Y’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘Y’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘Y’ names include Noah, Wyatt, and Yuri, while for girls, Yara, Yasmin, and Yvonne are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘Y’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Yasmine means “jasmine flower” or “gift from God,” Yannick translates to “God is gracious,” and Yara signifies “water lady” or “small butterfly.”
  3. Are there ‘Y’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘Y’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Yuki is Japanese, meaning “snow,” and Youssef is of Arabic origin, representing “God will add” or “God increases.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘Y’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘Y’ names like Taylor, Jordan, or Riley can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How much weight should be given to the popularity of a name?
    • Popularity can be a factor, but it ultimately depends on personal preference. Some parents prefer classic, timeless names, while others may seek more unique or trendy options.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘Y’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘Y’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.