500 Baby Names That Start With ‘N’, Names with Meaning


Selecting a name for your baby is a momentous decision, brimming with excitement and meaning. If you’re captivated by names that commence with the letter ‘N,’ you’re about to embark on a journey of discovery. ‘N’ names offer a diverse range of options, each with its own unique charm and meaning. In this carefully curated list, we present a selection of ‘N’ names along with their meanings, providing insights into the cultural, historical, and linguistic richness associated with each name.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘N’

Name Meaning
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward
Naomi Pleasant
Nora Honor, light
Natalie Born on Christmas
Nova New
Nia Purpose
Nadia Hope
Nyla Winner
Nicole Victory of the people
Noelle Christmas
Nevaeh Heaven spelled backward

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Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘N’

Name Meaning
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathan Gift from God
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nathaniel God has given
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nathan Gift from God
Noah Rest, comfort
Nathaniel God has given
Nicholas Victory of the people
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Neil Champion
Nico Victory of the people

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Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘N’

Name Meaning
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat
Nico Victory of the people
Nova New
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Nia Purpose
Neo New
Nero Strong, vigorous
Nix Night
Nash By the ash tree
Nyx Goddess of the night
Neko Cat

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Unique ‘N’ Names for Babies

Name Meaning
Navi The new one
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion
Nola Fair shoulder
Noble Of noble birth
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Niall Champion

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘N’

Name Meaning
Navi The new one
Noble Of noble birth
Nyx Goddess of the night
Nimble Quick and light in movement
Nova New
Nola Fair shoulder
North Direction
Nature Essential qualities or character
Nile Blue
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Niall Champion
Neo New
Nirvana Ultimate state of bliss
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Nexus Connection point
Noor Light
Nightingale Singing bird
Noodle Long, thin strip of pasta
Nautical Relating to the sea
Nomad Wandering traveler
Nectar Sweet liquid
Nebula Cloud of gas and dust in space
Neon Bright, vibrant color
Nickel Silver-white metallic element
Nature Essential qualities or character
Nirvana Ultimate state of bliss
Noodle Long, thin strip of pasta
Nova New
Nola Fair shoulder
North Direction
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nalani Calm skies
Nexus Connection point
Nixie Water sprite
Nile Blue
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Niall Champion
Nature Essential qualities or character
Nirvana Ultimate state of bliss
Noor Light
Nightingale Singing bird
Noble Of noble birth
Nomad Wandering traveler
Nectar Sweet liquid
Nebula Cloud of gas and dust in space
Neon Bright, vibrant color
Nickel Silver-white metallic element
Nautical Relating to the sea
Nexus Connection point
Nomad Wandering traveler
Nectar Sweet liquid
Nebula Cloud of gas and dust in space
Neon Bright, vibrant color
Nickel Silver-white metallic element
Nature Essential qualities or character
Nirvana Ultimate state of bliss
Noor Light
Nightingale Singing bird
Noble Of noble birth
Nomad Wandering traveler
Noodle Long, thin strip of pasta
Nautical Relating to the sea
Nexus Connection point
Nixie Water sprite
Nile Blue
Nolan Descendant of a chariot or champion
Niall Champion
Neo New
Nirvana Ultimate state of bliss
Nixie Water sprite
Nyssa Goal, beginning
Nimbus Bright cloud
Nazareth Watchtower
Nalani Calm skies
Nomad Wandering traveler
Nectar Sweet liquid
Nebula Cloud of gas and dust in space
Neon Bright, vibrant color
Nickel Silver-white metallic element

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Naming your baby is a deeply personal and joyous experience, and the list of ‘N’ names presented here aims to assist and inspire you in this meaningful endeavor. Whether you’re drawn to names with cultural resonance, powerful meanings, or simply an appealing sound, the world of ‘N’ names provides a tapestry of choices. As you explore this list, envision the happiness and identity that your chosen ‘N’ name will bring to your family and the life of your cherished little one.

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  1. What are some popular ‘N’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘N’ names include Noah, Nathan, and Nicholas, while for girls, Natalie, Nora, and Naomi are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘N’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Nolan means “noble” or “champion,” Niamh translates to “bright” or “radiant,” and Nadira signifies “rare” or “precious.”
  3. Are there ‘N’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘N’ names come from various cultural backgrounds. For example, Naveen is of Sanskrit origin, representing “beautiful” or “charming,” and Nia is Swahili, meaning “purpose” or “intention.”
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘N’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘N’ names like Morgan, Nico, or Nell can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How important is it to consider the meaning of a name?
    • The meaning of a name can add depth and significance to your choice, reflecting values or aspirations. It’s a personal choice, and some parents find great importance in selecting names with positive or meaningful connotations.
  6. Any advice for combining ‘N’ names with middle names or sibling names?
    • Consider the overall flow and harmony of the full name. Pay attention to how the ‘N’ name pairs with the middle name and any existing or potential sibling names to create a cohesive and pleasing combination.