500 Baby Names That Start With ‘F’, Names with Meaning


Choosing a name for your baby is a significant decision that involves considering not only the sound and aesthetics of the name but also its meaning and cultural significance. If you’re drawn to names that start with the letter ‘F,’ you’re in for a treat. The letter ‘F’ offers a diverse range of names with rich meanings, spanning various cultures and origins. In this curated list, we present a selection of ‘F’ names along with their meanings, helping you navigate this exciting journey of naming your little one.

Baby Girl Names That Start With ‘F’

  • Faith – Trust, belief
  • Fiona – Fair, white, beautiful
  • Freya – Norse goddess of love and beauty
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Florence – Flourishing, prosperous
  • Farrah – Beautiful, joyful
  • Frances – Free one
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Flora – Flower
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Fern – Green, plant name
  • Francesca – Free one
  • Felicia – Lucky, fortunate
  • Freesia – Flower name
  • Felina – Like a cat
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fleur – Flower
  • Farida – Unique, precious gem
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Fiorella – Little flower
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Finola – White shoulder
  • Flavia – Blonde, golden
  • Farrah – Beautiful, joyful
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Frances – Free one
  • Freya – Norse goddess of love and beauty
  • Fiona – Fair, white, beautiful
  • Faith – Trust, belief
  • Felicia – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Florence – Flourishing, prosperous
  • Flora – Flower
  • Farida – Unique, precious gem
  • Freesia – Flower name
  • Felina – Like a cat
  • Fern – Green, plant name
  • Fleur – Flower
  • Francesca – Free one
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Farrah – Beautiful, joyful
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Fiona – Fair, white, beautiful
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Frances – Free one
  • Faith – Trust, belief
  • Freya – Norse goddess of love and beauty
  • Felicia – Lucky, fortunate
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Florence – Flourishing, prosperous
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fleur – Flower
  • Farida – Unique, precious gem
  • Felina – Like a cat
  • Fern – Green, plant name
  • Freesia – Flower name
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Farrah – Beautiful, joyful
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Francesca – Free one
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Fiona – Fair, white, beautiful
  • Faith – Trust, belief
  • Felicia – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Freesia – Flower name
  • Fleur – Flower
  • Farida – Unique, precious gem
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Felina – Like a cat
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Freya – Norse goddess of love and beauty
  • Frances – Free one
  • Farrah – Beautiful, joyful
  • Faith – Trust, belief
  • Felicia – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Fiona – Fair, white, beautiful
  • Fleur – Flower
  • Francesca – Free one
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Farida – Unique, precious gem
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Fern – Green, plant name
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Freesia – Flower name
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty

Also Read : 500 Baby Names That Start With A

Baby Boy Names That Start With ‘F’

  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Ferdinand – Brave traveler
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Fabian – Bean grower
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Frederick – Peaceful ruler
  • Ford – River crossing
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Fletcher – Arrow maker
  • Franklin – Free landowner
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Felix – Happy, fortunate
  • Forrest – Dweller near the forest
  • Foster – Forest worker
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear

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Cool Babies Names That Start With ‘F’

  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Freya – Norse goddess of love and beauty
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fender – Protector
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Fury – Intense anger or passion
  • Flint – Hard rock, spark
  • Falconer – One who trains birds of prey
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Fender – Protector
  • Finnick – Fair, white, clear
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fearless – Without fear or courage
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Flicker – Quick, darting movement
  • Fjord – Narrow, deep sea inlet
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Falconer – One who trains birds of prey
  • Flare – Bright light or flame
  • Flynn – Red-haired
  • Faraday – Journey or adventure
  • Frontier – Boundary, edge
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Frisco – Free man
  • Frigg – Norse goddess of love and fertility
  • Frosty – Covered in frost
  • Flick – Quick, light movement
  • Fender – Protector
  • Fjord – Narrow, deep sea inlet
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Finnick – Fair, white, clear
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Flicker – Quick, darting movement
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Faraday – Journey or adventure
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Fender – Protector
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Frigg – Norse goddess of love and fertility
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Falconer – One who trains birds of prey
  • Fearless – Without fear or courage
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Frosty – Covered in frost
  • Fender – Protector
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Fjord – Narrow, deep sea inlet
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Faraday – Journey or adventure
  • Fender – Protector
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fearless – Without fear or courage
  • Flick – Quick, light movement
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Faye – Fairy or loyalty
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Finn – Fair, white, clear
  • Frosty – Covered in frost
  • Faraday – Journey or adventure
  • Falconer – One who trains birds of prey
  • Flare – Bright light or flame
  • Fender – Protector
  • Fjord – Narrow, deep sea inlet
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Finnian – Fair, white, clear
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Flicker – Quick, darting movement
  • Fender – Protector
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Felicity – Happiness, good fortune
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Flash – Bright light
  • Fia – Wild or weaver
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Frost – Frozen ice

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Unique ‘F’ Names for Babies

  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Fiammetta – Little flame
  • Falconer – Falcon trainer
  • Faustus – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fidella – Faithful
  • Flavius – Blonde, golden
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Fintan – White fire
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Floriana – Flower
  • Faolan – Little wolf
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Fergus – Man of vigor
  • Floris – Flower
  • Fiala – Violet
  • Fidias – Faithful
  • Fabron – Blacksmith
  • Faraday – Journey or adventure
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustina – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Fenton – Marsh town
  • Fiora – Flower
  • Falco – Falcon
  • Fenella – Fair, white shoulder
  • Favian – Man of wisdom
  • Fidelis – Faithful
  • Feronia – Ancient Roman goddess of fertility
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Fiammetta – Little flame
  • Falconer – Falcon trainer
  • Floris – Flower
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustus – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Fionnula – Fair-shouldered
  • Finnegan – Fair, white, clear
  • Faunus – Ancient Roman woodland god
  • Fidella – Faithful
  • Floriana – Flower
  • Fergus – Man of vigor
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fintan – White fire
  • Faolan – Little wolf
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Flavius – Blonde, golden
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Fiammetta – Little flame
  • Falconer – Falcon trainer
  • Faustus – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fidella – Faithful
  • Floriana – Flower
  • Fergus – Man of vigor
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Fintan – White fire
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fiora – Flower
  • Falco – Falcon
  • Fenella – Fair, white shoulder
  • Favian – Man of wisdom
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Feronia – Ancient Roman goddess of fertility
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustina – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Fenton – Marsh town
  • Fiora – Flower
  • Falco – Falcon
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Fidias – Faithful
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustina – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Feronia – Ancient Roman goddess of fertility
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Favian – Man of wisdom
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fergus – Man of vigor
  • Floriana – Flower
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustus – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fleta – Swift
  • Fiora – Flower
  • Fidelis – Faithful
  • Falco – Falcon
  • Fenella – Fair, white shoulder
  • Feronia – Ancient Roman goddess of fertility
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Faustina – Lucky, fortunate
  • Fenton – Marsh town
  • Fiora – Flower
  • Fidelia – Faithful
  • Fidias – Faithful
  • Faelan – Little wolf
  • Floriana – Flower
  • Falconer – Falcon trainer
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow

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Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With ‘F’

  • Fallon – Leader
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Faine – Joyful
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Faine – Joyful
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Finley – Fair-haired warrior
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Frankie – Free one
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Falcon – Bird of prey
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fox – Cunning animal
  • Farley – Meadow of the sheep
  • Finch – Small bird
  • Fallon – Leader
  • Frost – Frozen ice
  • Fable – A short story with a moral lesson
  • Fawn – Young deer
  • Fifer – Whistle player
  • Farren – Adventurous
  • Fairley – From the fair meadow
  • Fox – Cunning animal

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Selecting the perfect name for your baby is a heartfelt and meaningful process. The list of ‘F’ names provided here is just a starting point, offering a blend of traditional, unique, and culturally rich options. Whether you’re drawn to names with historical significance or those reflecting contemporary trends, each ‘F’ name carries its own charm and meaning. As you embark on this journey, consider the resonance and significance of each name, imagining the joy it will bring to your family.


  1. What are some popular ‘F’ names for boys and girls?
    • For boys, popular ‘F’ names include Finn, Felix, and Franklin. For girls, names like Fiona, Faith, and Freya are well-loved choices.
  2. Can you suggest ‘F’ names with unique meanings?
    • Certainly! Fidelia means “faithful,” Farid translates to “unique” or “one of a kind,” and Felicity signifies “happiness” or “good fortune.”
  3. Are there ‘F’ names with cultural significance?
    • Yes, ‘F’ names span various cultures. For instance, Fatima is of Arabic origin, representing the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, while Francesco is Italian and has strong ties to Saint Francis of Assisi.
  4. Do you have gender-neutral ‘F’ names?
    • Yes, some ‘F’ names like Finley, Fallon, or Frankie can be used for both boys and girls.
  5. How important is the meaning of a name?
    • The meaning of a name can add depth and significance to your choice. Some parents prioritize meanings that resonate with their values, heritage, or hopes for their child’s future.
  6. Any tips for finalizing a baby name?
    • Consider the sound, meaning, and cultural context of the name. Say it out loud, test how it pairs with the last name, and ensure it holds a positive and lasting connotation for you and your family.