500+ Airpod Names Ideas (2024)


Airpod name ideas can be a fun and creative way to personalize your Airpods and make them easily identifiable.

These names can be based on anything, from your favorite music or lyrics, to your favorite movie or TV show characters.

You can also use puns, such as “Ear candy” or “Ear-resistible.” Get creative and have fun with it!

Funny AirPod Name Ideas

Funny AirPod name ideas can add a bit of humor and personality to your AirPods. Some examples include:

  • MuskAids
  • EarTamperz
  • I Steal Music
  • My Stampods
  • Britney SPEARS
  • Chimmy Pods
  • Don’t talk to me
  • (Your Name’s) Q-Tips
  • Two Tiny DJs
  • Don’t Ask Me, I Can’t Hear You
  • The Flex Machine
  • Wireless Poise
  • Where’d My Wires Go?
  • Unrecognizable Airpods
  • Peppa’s Pods
  • Yeeyee Pods
  • Juul Pods
  • The Anti Social Social Pods
  • (Your Name’s) Anti Broke Sticks
  • Rich boy prodz
  • Never Fall Out
  • I Can’t Hear Broke
  • Ear Duds
  • I don’t want wires
  • Antiwire
  • expensive noise
  • Babel Fishes
  • Apple’s Hearing Aids
  • AppleAids
  • I’m rich You’re poor
  • I’m Sheeple and I Know It
  • Can’t wire
  • Bust Down Podianna
  • Don’t Speak Broke Sorry
  • Deaf Cods
  • Not Your Airpods
  • AirTots
  • Wax Collectorz
  • I’m Sorry What
  • Tiny Hair Dryers
  • Ear Angelz
  • My tiny Buds
  • Aspire wire
  • The Earwax Collector
  • Boom BoomTwo Sound Extinguishers
  • My Second Pair
  • FBI LD
  • HAiry Potterz
  • My Quips
  • ShrekEarz
  • 2 Peas In a (Air) Pod
  • Real Flex Pods
  • No voicex
  • Thots’ Clout Pods
  • Didn’t pay for these jeeze
  • Nowirez
  • stick in your earz
  • Little Pumps
  • Coffee Means
  • Put the Buying Date
  • Allergic to Wires
  • Hobipods
  • Daddy Dods
  • FBI Surveillance
  • Tide Pods
  • (Your Name’s) Air Buddies
  • No Strings Attached Pods
  • Tampods
  • I Can’t Find My Wires
  • Respect the Pods Karen
  • Dude, Imagine Having Wires
  • No Nickname
  • tings for earz
  • modern aidz
  • Bel-AirPodz
  • Clout Pods
  • Sorry What Did You Say?
  • (Your Name’s) Bean Sprouts
  • The Party Pods
  • I Didn’t Pay For These
  • Nah They Dont Drop Out
  • I lost my wirez
  • papa smurf’s dryer

Related Reading: Cool PSN Names for PS4 and PS5

Cool Nicknames for AirPods

AirPods are a popular and convenient way to listen to music, podcasts, and make phone calls on the go. Giving them a cool nickname can make them feel more personal and unique. Here are a few ideas for cool nicknames for AirPods:

  • X-Podz
  • Ican’thearbroke
  • You wish you had
  • $ on my ears
  • Gangnam
  • honey, where are my AirPods
  • My Hero AcaPODia
  • oreos and milk
  • Babel Fishes
  • The Millenium Airpod
  • Poke ‘Em Ins
  • Plugged In
  • Yee haw Buds
  • Mr Flex Pods
  • Tokyo Ghoul Pods
  • BonnieXClydeAir
  • sorry.what.
  • Tom’s Pods
  • Dragon PodsZ
  • StarePods
  • Coffee Shop Buds
  • WiErS? what are thoes?
  • Poke In
  • Alan Podwalkers
  • AnTi BrOkE Bois
  • VoicesxNoises
  • Yoo Hee Yeol’s Buds
  • Cham-podz
  • All About That Buds
  • Bonnie&Clyde
  • depression stix
  • Dragon Pods Z
  • Little Beans
  • I go to a private school
  • Air Air Poddies
  • No Air
  • ear safe tidepods
  • Snack Pods
  • The Ear Hears
  • Jo In Sung
  • Bloke Bois
  • Ear Bud Boom Box
  • studs 💜
  • Pistol Pods
  • NPR Fan
  • Rich kid check
  • Jo Ni Sung
  • 2BUDz
  • Mini speakers
  • Woah Pods
  • PhineasNPods
  • FAirPods
  • oreos N milk
  • The EarGods
  • Maul Podz
  • FPods
  • Pwetty Wires
  • expensive listening
  • Brain Talker
  • Allergic to Wires
  • Drunken Tigers
  • Anti Broke Pods
  • Porta PODies
  • Vinland Podz
  • GangnamPodz
  • Bean Pods
  • Air Runner
  • Wire Ban
  • Boom BoxXs
  • Sorry my AirPods were in
  • AirThots
  • The Devil is a Pod-timer
  • Britney SpEARs
  • i dont cAIR…
  • Pod Spices
  • Lil Bean Sprouts
  • Mine Dine
  • David’s Tesla
  • Ear Boys
  • Maul Pods
  • Obi Wan Keno-pod
  • Voices in My Head
  • PodGod
  • Banana AirPods
  • AirThotz
  • FBI surveillance
  • No Wire Duo
  • Bust down podz
  • A New Pod
  • not your airpodz son
  • YayME
  • ARMYS Airpods
  • Tokyo Ghoul
  • X-Pods
  • Yum Pods
  • Darth Pod Vader
  • Clout Pods
  • Britney SpEARz
  • Bust down podianna
  • Babel Fishex
  • No Wire Duo Pod
  • Hunny where are my airpods
  • Yeeyee pods
  • Little Beanie
  • David’s Air
  • The Promised Podland
  • ⋉𝔸𝕚𝕣ℙ𝕠𝕕𝕤⋊
  • Pea Pods
  • Obi Wan Keno-podz
  • Air Air Podks
  • y/ns airpods
  • Tiny Tooth Brushes
  • Anakin Podwalker
  • Vinland Poddy
  • MiNe nOt YoUrS
  • Social distancing
  • My Hero Acapodiaa
  • not your airpods
  • Samurai Cham-pods
  • I dOnT sPeAk BrOkE
  • The Phantom Pod
  • Crank the Vol
  • Mr Flex Podz
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • All About That Bass
  • Crank the Volume
  • Son Pods
  • A New Podz
  • Snack Podz
  • Woke Broke
  • Earwax Collector
  • Respect the drip, Karen
  • Social distancex

Related Reading: Rap Playlist Names and Ideas

Weird AirPod Names

Weird AirPod names can be a fun and unique way to personalize your AirPods and make them stand out. Some examples of weird AirPod names include:

  • Ha-rd Drive
  • Guckkasten
  • Oppa
  • Depression Sticks
  • King of Hallyu Wave
  • Carol Baskin Killed Her Husband
  • Did you say something?
  • I Sense Your Broke-ness
  • Nacho Air Pods
  • TXT Pods
  • SuperM Soundz
  • Tiny Toothbrushes
  • My BTS Earbuds
  • Baby Yodas
  • Rich Boy Products
  • Little White Noisy Boys
  • Seventeen Songs
  • Siri Play U Broke
  • SHINee Podz
  • Things for My Ears
  • Yeet Pods
  • Wires? What are those?
  • Porta PODies
  • Elon’s Hearing Aids
  • Ear Tampons
  • Peppa Pods
  • My Tampods
  • I YEETED those wires
  • AirPods Inlayer
  • My Q-Tips
  • Papa Smurf’s Hair Dryers
  • Social iSolation Device
  • Vibe Infusers
  • I don’t carepods
  • RIP Sulli
  • Park Ji Sung
  • Smell Like Broke in Here
  • Gangnam
  • Can’t Afford Wires
  • Honey, Where Are My Airpods?
  • I Cut the Wires
  • I go to a private school
  • BTS Pods
  • Beans
  • Day6 Inear
  • Wetterpods
  • No Wire Gang
  • ShrekEars
  • Flexin on Yall
  • Hyukoh
  • Super Junior Sounds
  • I Don’t Speak Broke
  • BIGBANG Buds
  • NCT Tunez
  • Rich Boy Check
  • Soulja Pods
  • Drake and Josh
  • Pods of Air
  • Mini Speakers
  • Lil Bean Sprout
  • Max and Ruby
  • stressy depressy lemon zesty
  • $160 on My Ears
  • Taehyun
  • Thanks Daddy
  • Fresh Prince of Bel-AirPods
  • ARMYS Airpods
  • The Neo Zone
  • Cleaner Than Your Ex
  • Jo In Sung
  • Katsuobushi
  • H(air)y (Pod)ter
  • EarBois
  • Monsta X-Pods
  • Yoo Hee Yeol’s Buds
  • Expensive Listening
  • FBI Listening Device
  • Drunken Tigers
  • Jung Woo Joo Pods

Related Reading: Instagram Name Ideas

Cute AirPod Nicknames

Cute AirPod nicknames can add a touch of fun and personality to your AirPods. Some examples include:

  • Listen Up
  • No One Can Hear
  • Brain Talker
  • Rename it with your Beloved Person
  • No Name
  • 11 Volume
  • Brain Talkerz
  • Wireless and Wacky
  • Bean Podsz
  • Music is Everywhere
  • Little Showerheads
  • The Party Pods
  • The Promised Podland
  • expensive earz
  • Spear Ear
  • Crank the Volume
  • Name of the person you look up to
  • Rich kid flex
  • The Ear Hears
  • Library Listeners
  • Zack and Cody
  • Pistol Podzz
  • sorry.watt
  • Plugged In
  • $ on my earz
  • Mini speakerz
  • Salt and Pepper Pods
  • Where are my AirPodz
  • Ear and Audio Automation
  • Pod on my Bod
  • Track Me and My Music
  • Cool Dad Pods
  • Little Blow Dryers
  • The Rock and Rollers
  • Social Distancing
  • Cute Hair Dryers
  • The Pistol Pods
  • 5k Walking Club
  • Coffee Shop Buds
  • Two Peas in a Pod
  • My Best Pods
  • Pete’s Pods
  • The Phantom Podz
  • Cute Hearing Aids
  • Let’s Escape Reality
  • ARMYS AirPodz
  • I’m Not Listening
  • Pod-timer
  • Dollar Pods
  • Juul Pods
  • Pea Podz
  • Darth Podz Vader
  • The Things From the Movie Her
  • Come Feel The Noise
  • My Sounds
  • The NPR Fan
  • Good Voices in My Head
  • Wireless Wonder
  • The Heavenly Hiker
  • The Podcast Runner
  • Drunken Tigerzz
  • Ear Bud Boom Box
  • Airpods for the Airhead
  • Pod Spicezz
  • Dance Mix Earphones
  • Tiny Tooth Brushezz
  • Poke ‘Em Ins
  • David’s Tesla
  • Honey Pods
  • Music to My Ears
  • Plugged Out Sprout

Related Reading: 1500+ Airpod Names Ideas you must Try


There are a lot of great ideas for Airpod names out there! Some of our favorites include “BoomBox,” “AirPods,” “PodPods,” and “iPods.” Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’ll be happy with for a long time.