180+ Unique Mean Girl Names to Empower Your Daughter

Your baby is your bundle of joy and there is nothing that makes you happier than seeing them smile, which is why choosing a perfect name is an important step in your journey as a parent. With so many different name options, it can be difficult to decide what to name your little one.

If you‘re looking for a mean girl name that will serve your daughter well throughout her life, we‘ve got you covered. Here are 180+ mean girl names that will perfectly suit your little one. From the classic and timeless names like Charlotte and Sofia, to the bold and edgy options like Lexi and Raven, there is something for everyone.

Each of these names carries with it a unique message, allowing you to express your style and personality through your daughter‘s name. So take your time, browse through our selection, and pick out the perfect name for your little princess.

From powerful and independent to sweet and traditional, you‘re sure to find the perfect name for your daughter from this list of 180+ mean girl names. Whether you‘re looking for a name that‘s uncommon and trendy or one that‘s steeped in history, this list combines different qualities and cultures to give you an array of options for the perfect name for your child.

Take your pick from strong and independent names, names with intimidating meanings, names with sound power, or a nicknamestyle name worthy of a modernday princess. Whatever the case may be, you‘re sure to find the perfect mean girl name for your daughter in this list.

Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a big decision. You want to find a name that not only sounds good but also has a special meaning. Mean girl names are a popular choice for parents looking for strong, unique names for their little one.

Here are some mean girl names inspired by ’90s films, books, and more.


Mean Girl Names:

  • Cassidy – Irish for “curly-haired.” Cassidy is a lively name for a spunky girl.
  • Cady – Cady Heron from “Mean Girls” starts out as an innocent new girl, but eventually becomes a mean girl herself.
  • Raven – English for “blackbird.” Raven is a dark name for a gorgeous, intriguing female.
  • Amber – Amber Mariens from “Cruel Intentions” is a manipulative and cruel mean girl.
  • Bianca – Bianca Stratford from “10 Things I Hate About You” is a sassy, sarcastic mean girl.
  • Blair – Blair Waldorf from “Gossip Girl” is known for her scheming and manipulation.
  • Regina – Regina George from “Mean Girls” is the quintessential mean girl.
  • Samantha – Hebrew for “listener.” A terrific buddy named Samantha is nice and compassionate.
  • Isabella – Italian for “devotee.” Isabella is a lovely religious name for your precious daughter.
  • Tracy – Tracy Flick from “Election” is a ruthless and ambitious mean girl.
  • Cher – Cher Horowitz from “Clueless” is a popular, fashion-obsessed mean girl.
  • Eleanor – ”Light” in English. Eleanor is a sweet name for a sunny girl.
  • Heather : Heather Chandler from “Heathers” is a classic example of a mean girl.
  • Amber – Arabic for “gem.” Amber suits a rare and precious girl.
  • Marissa  – Marissa Cooper from “The OC” is a privileged and selfish mean girl.
  • Carmen – Spanish for “song.” Carmen is a fiery name for a spunky little singer.
  • Kaitlyn – Irish for “pure.” Kaitlyn is a charming girl’s name.
  • Phoenix – Greek for “dark crimson.” Phoenix is a strong name for a brave girl.
  • Destiny – Greek for “fate.” A girl destined for greatness should be named Destiny.
  • Scarlett – English for “red.” A courageous and lovely girl is named Scarlett.
  • Dahlia – Arabic for “flower.” Dahlia is a lovely name for a fresh-faced girl.
  • Vanessa – Greek for “butterfly.” Vanessa is a sweet name for a graceful and vivacious girl.
  • Savannah – Spanish for “treeless plain.” Savannah is a fiery and lovely girl’s name.
  • Sydney – English for “broad meadow.” Sydney suits an adventurous girl.
  • Natalie – Latin for “birthday.” Natalie is a beautiful name for a world-gifted girl.
  • Lila – Arabic for “night.” A lovely, intriguing girl named Lila is dark and sultry.
  • Trinity – Latin for “three.” A blessing in disguise is named Trinity.
  • Jade – Asian for “gem.” An unusual and gorgeous girl deserves the name, Jade.
  • Dominique – ”Lord” in French. Dominique is a royal name for a little lady destined for greatness.
  • Sharpay – Sharpay Evans from “High School Musical” is a diva who always gets what she wants.
  • Erin – Irish for “Ireland.” A proud little girl named Erin will love her country.
  • Sean – Irish for “God is gracious.” A generous and gentle youngster named Sean will bring delight to everyone he meets.
  • Cohen – Hebrew for “priest.” Cohen is a religious name for a boy who will become a good man.
  • Xavier – Latin for “new house.” Xavier is a new name for a happy boy.
  • Tiffany – English for “manifestation of God.” Tiffany is a beautiful name for your precious girl.
  • Jenna – Hebrew for “gift from God.” Jenna is a sweet name for a blessed newborn girl.
  • Samantha – Hebrew for “listener.” Samantha is a kind name for a friendly girl.
  • Liliana – Spanish for “lily.” Liliana is a sweet name for a flower-like girl.
  • Nathan – Hebrew for “gift from God.” Nathan is a beautiful name for a youngster who will bless everyone he meets.
  • Jonah – Hebrew for “dove.” A youngster named Jonah will bring harmony to his surroundings.
  • Olivia – Latin for “olive tree.” Olivia is a timeless name for a girl.
  • Joel – Hebrew for “God is willing.” Joel is a contented name for a happy boy.
  • Shannon – Irish for “ancient and wise.” Shannon is a mature name for a young girl who will succeed.
  • Nathan – Hebrew for “giver.” Nathan is a kind name for a boy who will make others happy.
  • Trinity – Latin for “threefold.” A tiny girl who will change the world is named Trinity.
  • Samantha – English for “listener.” A pleasant, friendly girl named Samantha.
  • Emma  – German for “universal.” Any female can be named Emma.
  • Ezekiel – Hebrew for “God will empower.” A boy named Ezekiel will overcome any challenge.
  • Fiona – Irish for “white and fair.” A little girl named Fiona will grow up to be magnificent.
  • Joshua – Hebrew for “God is my salvation.” A boy named Joshua will provide hope.
  • Aidan – Irish for “small and furious.” Aidan is a zesty name for a cute but feisty girl.
  • Caitlin – Irish for “pure.” A beautiful, pure girl is named Caitlin.
  • David – Hebrew for “beloved.” David is a beautiful name for a family-loved boy.
  • Samuel – Hebrew for “God has heard.” A devoted boy named Samuel will bless everyone he meets.
  • Aiden – Irish for “little and firey.” A lively child named Aiden will keep you on your toes.
  • Garreth – Irish for “spear carrier.” A valiant child named Garreth will protect his loved ones.
  • Aidan – Irish for “small and furious.” Aidan is a zesty name for a cute but feisty girl.
  • Raven – Anglo-Saxon for “dark-haired.” Raven is a lovely and enigmatic name for a charming little girl.
  • Cameron : Scottish for “crooked nose.” A youngster named Cameron will stick out in a crowd.
  • Lily– Latin for “lily.” A girl named Lily will be as graceful as the flowers she’s named after.
  • Bradley– English for “wide clearing among the woods.” Bradley is an outdoor-loving boy’s name.
  • Chloe– Greek for “green shoot.” Chloe is a lively name for a little girl who will make others happy.
  • Samuel– Hebrew for “God has heard.” Samuel is a spiritual name for a dedicated boy.
  • Connor– Irish for “dog lover.” A boy who loves to run and play is named Connor.
  • Levi– Hebrew for “united in harmony.” A boy named Levi will get along with everyone.
  • Ashley– English for “meadow of ash trees.” A gorgeous, calm girl named Ashley.
  • Daniel– Hebrew for “God is my judge.” Daniel is a noble name for a youngster who will become a fine man.
  • Sophia– Greek for “knowledge.” Sophia is a smart name for a smart girl.
  • Elijah– Hebrew for “the Lord is my God.” A boy named Elijah will be a loyal devotee.
  • Victoria– Latin for “victorious.” A young girl with immense potential is named Victoria.
  • Shannon – Irish for “ancient and wise.” Shannon is a knowledgeable and mature name for a strong and supportive little girl.
  • Connor– Irish for “lover of hounds.” A boy who loves to run and play is named Connor.
  • VeronicavLatin for “genuine image.” A unique girl deserves the wonderful name, Veronica.
  • Madison– English for “son of Maud.” A young girl with immense potential is named Madison.
  • Carmen– Spanish for “song.” Carmen is a joyful name for a child.
  • Declan– Irish for “prayer.” Declan is a religious name for a devout boy.
  • Michael– Hebrew for “like God.” A future leader should be named Michael.
  • Uriel– Hebrew for “light of God.” Uriel is a bright name for a boy that will make everyone happy.
  • Naomi– Hebrew for “lovely.” A joyful girl’s name is Naomi.
  • Nina– Slavic for “grace.” Nina is a beautiful name for a sweet girl.
  • Damian– Greek for “tame.” Damian is a sweet name for a faithful boy.
  • Maeve– Irish for “intoxicating.” A girl named Maeve will be the life of the party.
  • Noah– Hebrew for “rest.” A youngster named Noah will provide new life to people he meets.
  • Matthew– Hebrew for “gift from God.” Matthew is a generous name for a guy who will make everyone happy.
  • Stephanie– Greek for “crown.” Stephanie is a noble name for a young lady destined for greatness.
  • Mason– French for “stoneworker.” Mason is a strong name for a little kid who will become a fine man.
  • Olivia– Latin for “olive.” Olivia is a peaceful name for a little girl who will provide calm to others.
  • Theodore – Greek for “gift from God.” A lucky boy named Theodore will succeed in life.
  • Ryan – Irish for “small king.” A powerful leader will be named Ryan.
  • Benjamin – Hebrew for “son of the right hand.” Benjamin is a lucky name for a boy who will succeed in everything.
  • Erin – ”Ireland” in Irish. A brave and dazzling girl named Erin is proud and lovely.
  • Benjamin – Hebrew for “son of the right hand.” Benjamin is a lucky name for a blessed boy.
  • Melanie – Greek for “black.” Melanie is a beautiful name for a confident, sophisticated girl.
  • Zoe – Greek for “life.” A lively girl named Zoe.
  • Nicole – Greek for “victorious.” A fighter’s name is Nicole.
  • Willow – Anglo-Saxon for “slender and elegant.” Willow is a sweet name for a kind girl.
  • Keely – Irish for “slender and fair.” Keely is a gentle name for a gorgeous girl.
  • Brooke – Anglo-Saxon for “stream.” For a kind, pure girl, Brooke is a great name.
  • Keegan – Irish for “son of the black-haired.” Keegan is a powerful name for a brave and aggressive boy.
  • Raphael – Hebrew for “God heals.” Raphael is a gentle name for a kid who will comfort others.
  • Sean – Irish for “God is generous.” Sean is a caring and sympathetic name for a child who will soothe others.
  • Liam – Irish for “strong-willed fighter.” Liam is a brave name for a little child who will succeed.
  • Logan – Scottish for “from the depression among the rocks.” Logan is a good name for a solid boy.
  • Gabriel – Hebrew for “God is my strength.” Gabriel is a brave name for a powerful boy.
  • Katie – Greek for “pure.” Katie is a great name for a gorgeous girl.

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Mean Girl Names From ’90s Films:

  • Daisy Buchanan– Gatsby- The Great Gatsby’s Daisy Buchanan is Nick Carraway’s gorgeous, affluent cousin. She’s classy and lively. Daisy’s English name means “day’s eye,” a flower that shuts at night and unfolds in the morning. This name suits a daisy-like female.
  • Amber Atkins – Clueless- Amber Atkins is the rich, popular girl in the 1995 film, Clueless. She’s beautiful, she’s smart, and she always gets what she wants. Amber’s name comes from the Arabic word for “amber,” which is a precious stone. This name is perfect for a little girl who is as rare and valuable as a jewel.
  • Regina George – Mean Girls- Regina George is the queen bee of North Shore High School in the 2004 film, Mean Girls. She’s gorgeous, she’s popular, and she’s got a sharp tongue. Regina’s name comes from the Latin word for “queen,” making her the perfect name for a little girl who will one day rule the world.
  • Muffy – Muffy Tepperman from “Serial Mom” is a wealthy and haughty mean girl.
  • Alison – Alison Vernon-Williams from “The Breakfast Club” is a popular and snobbish mean girl.
  • Nomi Malone – Showgirls- Nomi Malone is the aspiring dancer and stripper in the 1995 film, Showgirls. She’s tough, she’s ambitious, and she’s not afraid to flaunt what she’s got. Nomi’s name is Hebrew in origin and means “pleasant.” This name is perfect for a little girl who is as sweet as she is strong.
  • Tracy Flick – Election – Tracy Flick is the overachieving, manipulative student in the 1999 film, Election. She’s ambitious, she’s conniving, and she always gets her way. Tracy’s name is English in origin and means “brave traveler.” This name is perfect for a little girl who is as bold and fearless as Tracy.
  • Meredith Blake – The Parent Trap – The spoilt, privileged girl in the 1998 film. She’s selfish and spoiled. Welsh Meredith means “mighty king.” Meredith-like girls should get this name.
  • Chris – Chris Hargensen from “Carrie” is a cruel and vindictive mean girl.
  • Elle Woods –  Legally Blonde Legally Blonde stars effervescent blonde Elle Woods. She’s brilliant, determined, and always follows her heart. French Elle means “woman.” Elle-like girls should get this name.
  • Courtney – Courtney Alice Shayne from “Jawbreaker” is a cruel and calculating mean girl.
  • Carla – Carla Santini from “The New Guy” is a mean girl who tortures the new kid in school.
  • Cristina “Chris” Perez – I Know Cristina “Chris” Perez. I’m the 1997 film’s protagonist. I’m brilliant, frightening, and never forgive. Spanish “son of Peter” surname Perez. This name suits a determined and daring girl like me.
  • Hermione Granger – Harry Potter – Harry Potter’s smart, brave companion Hermione Granger. Her wit and brilliance always save the day. Greek Hermione means “well-born.” This name suits a strong and smart lady like Hermione.
  • Jordan Baker – The Great Gatsby – Jordan Baker is Daisy Buchanan’s gorgeous, affluent acquaintance. She’s stylish and usually in trouble. Jordan means “to descend” in Hebrew. This name suits a free-spirited lady like Jordan.


Mean Girl Names From ’90s books:

  • Blair – Scottish Blair means “field or plain”. Blair Waldorf, the seventh-grade queen bee in The Baby-Sitters Club, is rich and spoilt. The series steadily reveals Blair’s softer side, despite her rudeness and manipulation. Blair remains linked with superficiality and elitism.
  • Stephanie – Stephanie Kraft from “The Clique” is a mean girl who rules her middle school.
  • Sasha – Russian Sasha means “defender of mankind”. Sasha Silver is Sweet Valley High’s most popular and wealthiest girl. Beautiful, talented, and successful. Sasha is compassionate and humble despite her status. Sasha can mean strength, compassion, and kindness as well as greed and snobbery.
  • Massie – Massie Block from “The Clique” is a rich and snobbish mean girl.
  • Darcy – Irish Darcy means “black one” or “from the fortress”. Darcy, a proud lord in Pride and Prejudice, despises Elizabeth Bennet at first. Darcy steadily falls in love with Elizabeth throughout the tale. Austen’s Darcy is rehabilitated, but the name remains arrogant.
  • Portia – Portia Control from “Jinx” is a mean girl who exploits her powers of manipulation.
  • Claire – Claire Lyons from “The Clique” is a sweet girl who must survive the cruel world of mean girls.
  • Amber – Arabic for “gem.” Clueless’ Amber Mariens is the ultimate cruel girl. She’s affluent, gorgeous, and cruel to her fashion rivals. Amber might mean something valuable, but it’s also associated with vanity and superficiality.
  • Courtney – English Courtney means “short nose”. American Psycho’s Courtney Lawrence is a rich “nasty girl.” She’s self-centered and judgmental. Thus, Courtney is associated with shallowness and bitchiness.
  • Skye – Skye Hamilton from “The A-List” is a mean girl who competes with her friends for attention.

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Mean Girl Names From ’00s books and films:

  • Blair – Blair Waldorf from “Gossip Girl” is known for her scheming and manipulation.
  • Sharpay – Sharpay Evans from “High School Musical” is a diva who always gets what she wants.
  • Katie -The Latin name Katherine means “pure.” This name suits an innocent, strong girl with a golden heart.
  • Cady – Cady Heron from “Mean Girls” starts out as an innocent new girl, but eventually becomes a mean girl herself.
  • Monica -Latin for “advisor.” It suits a smart, confident, sharp-tongued female.
  • Caitlin -Gaelic for “pure.” It’s excellent for a girl who’s both innocent and tough.
  • Jill -Gillian, meaning “young,” is shortened to Jill. It’s a great name for a unique girl who’s young but wise.
  • Poppy – Poppy Moore from “Wild Child” is a rebellious mean girl who learns the value of friendship.
  • Hannah -”Grace” in Hebrew. It’s a lovely name for a compassionate, fiery girl.
  • Kristin -”Christian” in Scandinavian. It’s a lovely name for a kind, religious girl.
  • Jenna -Jenna means “heaven” in Arabic. This name suits a strong, sensitive, spiritual girl.
  • Jenny – Jenny Humphrey from “Gossip Girl” is a sweet girl who becomes a mean girl under the influence of the Upper East Side.
  • Abigail -”My father’s joy” in Hebrew. Abigail is powerful and resolute, making her the right protagonist despite her pretty name.
  • Brooke -Brooke means “a tiny stream” in Old English. This name evokes a cheeky girl who’s constantly up to something, making it appropriate for a troublemaker.
  • Erin -Eireann means “Ireland” in Irish. This name suits a strong, independent, kind girl.


What are some popular mean-sounding girl names?

Some popular mean-sounding girl names include Blythe, Rowena, Erina, Celeste, Talia, Scarlett, Raven, and Raine.

What are the different meanings associated with mean girl names?

Mean girl names usually have negative connotations such as danger or dark forces. They are often associated with strength, power, and mystery.

Are there any cultural or religious implications associated with mean girl names?

Yes, some cultures may have different views on the meanings associated with these words. For example, some names derived from African or Asian cultures have meanings of death or ill-omen.

Are mean girl names difficult to spell or pronounce?

No, most of these names are easy to spell and pronounce. However, some of the more unusual names may take some practice.

Are there any special trends for mean girl names?

Yes, there are trends for mean girl names such as ending with an “a” sound, or adding a consonant such as “j” or “z”. However, as with all baby names, trends change quickly. Above all, when choosing a name, make sure it’s something that you are comfortable with.


Your child deserves a name that is both strong and unique. With so many mean girl names available, you can find the perfect one that matches their personality. Whether you want something classic, elegant, or modern, there is something for everyone.

With these 180+ mean girl names, your little girl will feel confident, powerful, and proud of her identity. Thanks to your thoughtful selection, shell have a name that she loves and that will live on in her legacy.

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